Example sentences of "with enough [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Not unless you 've got somebody very high in the scientific establishment with enough swing to make the lesser lights take notice .
2 Most of the time I worked in the bunkers , trying to keep the stoker supplied with enough coal to fire the furnaces ; he would rattle his shovel in the hatch if I fell behind .
3 Never again will the United States find itself , at the outset of an entirely unexpected war , with enough hardware to fight the only kind of war it knows how to .
4 Since the carriers risked their ships , it was assumed that they would select and supervise their crews with enough care to prevent the damages that could result from improper management and navigation of the ship .
5 His recording of the First Piano Concerto is sparklingly assured — crisply articulated but with enough sensitivity to convey the inevitable bitter-sweet character of the slow movement .
6 British Airways staff are fantastic , whatever class you travel , and plied Kenneth with enough booze to soften the effect of two Sun journalists who approached us for a story and picture after we 'd been airborne for about eight hours .
7 It is the left that has espoused the causes of sexual and racial equality with enough vigour to persuade the establishment that action needed to be taken ( a host of anti-discrimination measures and laws ) , but without the power to make the sort of widespread social change that would render this sort of fussy , bureaucratic measurement unnecessary .
8 Make sure that the horse is on his hocks , that he is balanced , in rhythm and with enough impulsion to jump the fence .
9 Gran comes back from her Senior Citizens with enough news to fill the Magazine .
10 with enough force to stop the engine .
11 The beaters stir up the water with enough force to loosen the berries which float to the surface forming brilliant , crimson lakes .
12 The Volvo fared little better but Donna closed her eyes tightly as the impact hurled her forward again and sent her crashing against the steering column with enough force to knock the breath from her .
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