Example sentences of "with a view to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Union solicitor Mark Stephens said : ‘ Mr Heseltine has got to review his position very carefully , with a view to consideration of contempt of court . ’
2 Nuclear power production involves a series of steps comprising the processes of mining and milling of uranium , conversion to fuel material ( in most cases including enrichment in the isotope uranium-235 from about 0.7 per cent to 2–4 per cent ) , fabrication of fuel elements , utilization of the fuel in nuclear reactors , storage of the spent fuel , reprocessing of this fuel with a view to recycling , transportation of materials between various installations and disposal of radioactive waste ( figure 5.5 ) .
3 The Foreign Ministers ' proposals were to be discussed at the June European Council summit " with a view to a decision on the holding of a second intergovernmental conference to work in parallel with the conference on economic and monetary union with a view to ratification by member states in the same timeframe " .
4 The licensed teacher scheme could be a major breakthrough but apart from teaching community languages in the secondary phase there is no provision again in this scheme to teach specialists with a view to reach these languages in the primary sector .
5 After her death , he advertised for a housekeeper with a view to matrimony but unfortunately the first lady who took the job decamped after a few days , taking with her his prized possessions and helped by a male friend who apparently had kept in the background .
6 It tells us there to be vigilant , vigilant with a view to prayers , is n't that staying awake ?
7 To no avail : my resolution was never called for debate and another , that if the SNP were to approach us with a view to talks ( an unlikely event after the Pollok by-election ) we would not close the door , was passed by a narrow majority .
8 Around the turn of the century men from Potterspury formed a club with a view to purchase a horse and brake to convey them to and from Wolverton .
9 Presently , various representatives of the GCR have already visited South Wales with a view to purchase such examples during late June .
10 A Middlesbrough Council spokesman said the authority 's policy was to buy up properties in the area with a view to demolition .
11 Detached with a view to sanity
12 Possibly he had abducted the girl with a view to rape and murder .
13 The Philippines , Chile , Uruguay and Morocco ( which had already negotiated new rescheduling agreements in 1988 — see p. 37220 ) were all holding negotiations at the end of 1990 with a view to debt reduction deals .
14 The Leasing and Factoring Conventions , with a view to expansion of their scope , follow the model of the Vienna Sales Convention but in acknowledgment of the concerns expressed by various States all three Conventions confer a power on Contracting States to make reservations excluding the second form of connecting factor .
15 A programme of National Certificate Modules is being developed with a view to accreditation as a Level I SVQ .
16 Noting that the first stage of economic and monetary union ( EMU ) would come into effect on July 1 , 1990 , the summit decided that the intergovernmental conference to establish the final stages of economic and monetary union would open on Dec. 13 and would conclude its work rapidly with a view to member states ratifying the results by the end of 1992 .
17 Chairman , if , if someone does n't come under the regulations and is operating a business or something of that sort , is there the facility for that body , either the management body or the business to ask voluntarily for you to inspect , with a view to issue a , er , erm , a certificate er , erm of er , safety ?
18 The disabled and frail elderly will , of course , have special requirements and will need to select a home with a view to adaptation .
19 These are the use of words or behaviour , or the display of inflammatory written material , the publication or distribution of racially inflammatory written material publicly performing a play containing inflammatory material , distributing , playing or showing a recording containing such material , broadcasting or including inflammatory material in a cable programme service and possessing it with a view to publishing or distributing it .
20 Foster placement with strangers with a view to custodianship if all goes well .
21 v Develop and refine the concepts and theory of scientific and technological dependence , with a view to assist in the projection of longer term implication for the UK .
22 Lord Oliver described the relationship in the following way : ‘ … the purpose for which the auditors ’ certificate is made and published is that of providing those entitled to receive the report with information to enable them to exercise in conjunction [ with others ] those powers which their respective proprietary interests confer on them and not for the purposes of individual speculation with a view to profit . ’
23 The defendant supplied the product otherwise than in the course of a business and the defendant did not produce it ( or own-brand it or import it into the European Community ) with a view to profit .
24 Care must be taken to ensure that the new company , or its qualifying subsidiaries , carry on qualifying trades and , notably , film production companies and research and development companies qualify , so long as their activities are being carried on on a commercial basis with a view to profit .
25 Section 4(1) ( c ) provides : ( c ) ( i ) that the only supply of the product to another by the person proceeded against was otherwise than in the course of a business of that person 's ; and ( c ) ( ii ) that section 2(2) above does not apply to that person or applies to him by virtue of things done otherwise than with a view to profit
26 This is so , for example , if its inclusion is not material for the purposes of giving a true and fair view or if , in effect , the parent is not able to exercise dominance over the subsidiary or holds its interest in the subsidiary exclusively with a view to resale , or the information necessary for group accounts can not be obtained without disproportionate delay or expense .
27 They married with a view to inheritance , attended the local Protestant church and contributed handsomely to its building programme .
28 In the mid-eighties the VCT purchased Sir Berkeley with a view to restoration to eventual working order in the wake of Bellerophens .
29 Nature 's staff will edit manuscripts with a view to brevity and clarity , so contributors should check proofs carefully .
30 This conflict abuse , as will be made clear later , is to be considered not only with a view to regulation by formal law but also by the regulatory technique known as the ‘ Chinese Wall ’ .
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