Example sentences of "you would go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I suppose you must get a thrill out of it , but if you really knew anything you 'd go to the police . ’
2 You 'd go to the back of the pub and sit down .
3 You 'd go to the wall for the boy 's story ? ’
4 Why you would n't break a window to break a window , why you 'd go to the trouble of using a glass cutter
5 It had upset him at the time , but you had to get over stuff like that or you 'd go to the wall .
6 He had said to the clergyman that opportunity would n't knock , but you never knew and you definitely had to keep your spirits up or you 'd go to the wall .
7 Now , this is n't a very good impression and I think you 'd go to the doctors if you had something like this .
8 Previously , if you wanted a dress for example , you 'd buy your cloth at the drapers , you 'd buy your bits and pieces at the haberdashers , erm you 'd go to the milliners and the glovers and all those different sorts of shops .
9 And er and then there used to be some houses what er we did n't live in one of them but there used to be a lot of houses what used to be railings round , and there used to be steps and you 'd go down the steps , into the And they used to c they used to live downstairs and then well of course when you 're in the house in the side the room they used to have another flight of steps to come upstairs to a l a front room or a lounge or whatever you mind to call it .
10 We always had trouble like that It was horrible You 'd go into the changing rooms after someone had tried on some rubber tights and there 'd be cum all over them .
11 But the butchers shop was er a very well known shop , and er I remember very well we used to go into there er of course when things were re were really poor , you 'd go into the butchers shop in the middle of the week perhaps about Thursday and erm they used to sell they used to cook their own meats then of course you know , pressed beef and all that sort of thing and I remember this beautiful big white erm well it 'd be a ceramic dish affair on a stand , used to have a big piece of this pressed beef in it , cutting it off , and all the little bits used to fall round the side , well them come Thursday when only got a shilling in your pocket or your parents had got a couple of shillings left , you got to fetch two pennyworth of the bits of the pressed beef that had fallen round the pan , and that was a meal .
12 Cos when the well as soon as you could walk in the summer er you know when weather permitting my mam 'd take us down on the beach there and , Here you are , sink or swim in you 'd go into the water .
13 He did well with the theatre and the media lot because he treated them contemptuously , co-opting Rory Collins as a fellow scourge of sloppy liberals , a man who for all his cash and flash was the real thing , the sort of guy you 'd go into the jungle with , the sort of guy who was his father 's son .
14 Okay , put it into it and you 'd tie your length of cotton or black thread onto the piece of cotton with a button that 's dangling down and you 'd go across the road into somebody 's front garden behind a wall or behind a hedge and just keep pulling the cotton to tap on the window .
15 One week you 'd go in the mornings , the next day you 'd go in the afternoon .
16 One week you 'd go in the mornings , the next day you 'd go in the afternoon .
17 No I cou You 'd go round the other street would n't you .
18 You would go to the women 's prison .
19 He knew the Customs in the East Queen 's and if you wanted a drink , or anything like that , you would go in the locker and have a bit .
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