Example sentences of "you [vb mod] cut [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 First you must cut out the airy speculation inside the brackets , then you must examine in what ways this is and is not a new kind of play , and then rephrase juvenilian , which at present totters between juvenile and some reference to that difficult writer of Roman satires , Juvenal , who may be an influence on Marston , but hardly on Shakespeare .
2 Finally , you must cut out the backing .
3 If you are razor-sharp , you 'll cut out the sub-contractors today and get the job done in house .
4 If you could cut out the sound track of shells and sniper fire , ignore the gaping holes in the beautiful buildings and the lack of water and electricity , and did n't notice the rubbish in the streets , you would think of it as a normal city . ’
5 Once this is done , the postcard will open out and you can cut down the centre as in the second diagram enabling you to walk through it .
6 So what I 'm saying is , is lead time in lots of business is highly valuable but if you can cut down the delivery time and give them more lead time you 're actually extending
7 What 's more you can cut out the coupon opposite and get your first pack at around half price .
8 Erm so get sort of practise reading it so you can cut out the irrelevant stuff .
9 ‘ Well , all I can say is let's hope you can cut out the squabbling long enough … ’
10 You can cut out the first step generally , and risk your life waiting for the 710710 nu mber to become free , then get details of what areas are still not sold out etc .
11 You can cut out the first step generally , and risk your life waiting for the 710710 nu mber to become free , then get details of what areas are still not sold out etc .
12 Knowing that you will invariably be outnumbered means that you should take pains to ensure that you do the best you can to cut down the number of your attackers .
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