Example sentences of "you [modal v] tell the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But , I can tell you something fresh and you may tell the others . ’
2 I am suspicious about old Martha drowning in her bath , and you may tell the Lady Amelia that I am now curious about the two corpses found in the forest nearby . ’
3 The proceedings can be stopped at any point before the divorce is granted if you change your mind , but you must tell the Court of Session without delay .
4 When you , as an employer , first take on an employee , you must tell the Inspector of Taxes , who then sets a Pay As You Earn ( PAYE ) scheme and sends you an ‘ Employers ' Starter Pack ’ .
5 You must tell the Department if you become aware that you are suffering from a disease or physical disability not previously disclosed or which has been disclosed but has become more severe .
6 Emily said to Willoughby , ‘ You must tell the stenographer to stop , and we 'll have tea . ’
7 ‘ Listen carefully , ’ Little Billy said , ‘ because you must tell the swan exactly what he has to do .
8 You must tell the truth about the subject to the child as well as you are able without any mitigating of that truth .
9 You must tell the truth , ’ he said .
10 ‘ Father , you must tell the police , ’ I said .
11 Life can be good if you choose to make it that way , you should tell the truth , expose lies and live in the moment .
12 " You should tell the truth . "
13 If the patient is usually in control of his bladder and bowels , but suddenly becomes incontinent , you should tell the doctor immediately , as it may be a sign of infection or problems .
14 You should tell the plaintiff anything that you know about the defendant 's doctor from previous occasions .
15 ‘ Well , I think you should tell the police , ’ said Mrs Bradshaw sensibly .
16 Now at this juncture here you would n't actually say what products you 're gon na do , cos you 're not gon na go back and say well I 'm thinking of er two hundred thousand pounds of convertible term assurance and we 're looking personal pension plan , but you 'll tell the guy you 're gon na go back to the branch , we 've got a variety of different things sir and what I wan na do is to go back to the branch and work on one or two ideas for you and then present them to you at some time in the future .
17 But if he had no bill and or did n't pick it up , you 'd tell the proprietor that he must take his own proceedings — he 's swindled you out of the price of a meal and it 's a civil action .
18 And if they were n't properly done , you 'd tell the forewoman that that was n't in such and such a coach in compartment was needing under the seats were needing cleaning .
19 Erm cos you 'd tell the brewery would n't you ?
20 " I wish just once you 'd tell the truth . "
21 In each gear you could tell the carburettors were better balanced after 12,000 miles as the slower increments always favoured the later set of figures .
22 My Lord , first of all can I just ask whether you could tell the jury something about the training of firearms officers ?
23 You could tell the day
24 You could tell the system to delay sending the faxes until , say midnight , when fax lines are likely to be quiet as well as cheap .
25 I 'd be grateful if you could tell the waiter that I would like the haddock . ’
26 Her father had once said when discussing classes , if they were all naked you could tell the county man from the commoner because of his commanding tone or his easy insolence .
27 ‘ I thought you could tell the Ship what to do ! ’ said Masklin .
28 Er , you could tell the difference between er , newspaper on crime and the chief constable 's report .
29 Or , er , an article in the Times about crime prevention , or problems with youth , you could tell the difference , could n't you .
30 ‘ Well for a start , madam , you could tell the captain .
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