Example sentences of "that seemed [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then she put her cup down and began to speak in a soft , sad , dreaming voice that seemed to weave a spell of silence in the room .
2 In six years she had never been able to cultivate that devil-may-care attitude that seemed to characterise the gentleman at the Feathers .
3 By the afternoon of the 7th , to the accompaniment of barrages enveloping the whole sector that seemed to reach a crescendo of fury , the Germans captured the whole of the Bois des Corbeaux ; including the wounded Colonel of the 211th , saved no doubt from savage disgrace himself by a spirited last-ditch defence .
4 Maria shuddered convulsively as she felt her nipple rolled between diabolically skilled finger and thumb , the mini-spasm of ecstasy gratifying and tormenting all at once , and ultimately cruelly deceptive because it brought no resolution or peace , only an even deeper hunger that seemed to plumb the deeps of the most secret levels of self .
5 Sharpe felt the anger then ; the cold anger that seemed to slow the passage of time itself and make everything appear so very distinctly .
6 Back on the storm-front , lightning flashed and thunder exploded in long runs that seemed to envelop the length of the mountain chain as if spread by a giant paint-roller .
7 He backed away , knowing he was invisible on the darkened landing yet fearful of the pale eyes that seemed to penetrate every shadow with their knowing stare .
8 Since the end of the seventeenth century the Cecils , at Burghley House just outside the town , had controlled the election of both members by a combination of methods that seemed to leave no loophole for a mistake .
9 He looked at her with hard eyes that seemed to see every thought she had ever had .
10 Rather they appeared as a selection — and a selection that seemed to reflect the interests of the powerful .
11 Night had invaded the heavens , closing around the waxworks like a black fist as impenetrable as the umbra that seemed to fill every inch of the museum .
12 He spoke in a pleasing linguistic mixture that seemed to acknowledge no boundaries between Spanish and English .
13 It was uncomfortable , and it was particularly uncomfortable in light of the faint dislike that seemed to shade the depths of those denim-dark eyes .
14 ‘ Anything that seemed to offer an explanation of why a vastly less productive society had brought off this breathtaking achievement Was not dismissed but welcomed . ’
15 As we struggled up the hill with brambles and goose-grass snatching at our clothes there was an almighty clap of thunder together with a flash of lightning that seemed to strike the Jubilee Tower .
16 The only ball that seemed to find the pocket was the white , in a bad dream of in-offs and in-withs — plus , from Julian , a world-class in-instead , the cue-ball struck with such prodigious unintentional sidespin that after a deadened impact it ambled on grimly into the corner bag .
17 Lindsey leaned against the rail , conscious of his nearness , her mouth dry with a nervousness that seemed to have no logic to it .
18 The Marines had sent her off in a small wooden-bedded truck that seemed to have no springs or shock-absorbers whatsoever .
19 The next tunnel forked , turned left , turned right again , and other tunnels led off from it ; and Fand led them at an even pace along a course that seemed to have no sense .
20 Rehearsals began the following day , plunging Shannon into a hectic whirlwind of activity that seemed to have no let-up as the week progressed , but she was glad of it — glad of the work that kept her mind as well as her hands busy .
21 It was a big , bearded man with a shock of blond hair on a round bullet head that seemed to have no neck .
22 A meeting of the Committee of the Rambling Club , an essay or a report to prepare for next day , some knotty maths problems that seemed to have no solution , a party in the Junior Common Room , notes from a lecture on particle physics which needed tidying up ( Dr Glib talked so fast ! ) .
23 It was long and pointed , like a quill , and she wore a hat that seemed to have a beak .
24 But his run-out reprieve was only one element of a pervasive suspicion that seemed to saturate the Pakistan camp .
25 His production of Mrs Warren 's Profession for the National Theatre in 1971 steered cunningly clear of melodrama ; his Much Ado About Nothing for the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1971 featured white parasols and sun-dappled lawns that seemed to evoke the world of Turgenev .
26 With mind-blowing slowness Paige felt the same hand move upwards again to close over her breast with a possessiveness that seemed to encompass every atom of her being .
27 She moved in a way that seemed to emphasize the body beneath the clothes , to hint at the purposes to which it might be put .
28 He was such a strange combination , sitting there so still and enigmatic , giving absolutely nothing away , yet managing to exude a raw and infinitely disturbing male power that seemed to threaten the female in her .
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