Example sentences of "that appear [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 or you could use one or more of the questions that appear at the end of each section of the main text of this booklet .
2 The article was not a news report , however , but one of those background features that appear on the women 's pages of quality newspapers after some well-publicized court case .
3 MICHAEL ROBSON ca n't resist the new catfish that appear on the market .
4 As well as all the programs that appear in the above publications , what you may also do is use the programs that appear for the Singer System machine version of the Form Computer , called the Knitting Computer or Digiform Computer .
5 iv ) company-specific factors : include such variables as : organisation size and degree of centralisation ; official purchase decision-making procedures and processes ; role of buying department and other buying process roles ; means of resolving conflicts or differences that appear within the Decision Making Unit during the buying decision-making process .
6 There are a variety of exercises to check understanding at the back of each book and all the readers contain a picture dictionary , illustrating the words that appear in the stories .
7 I suppose it is like those astrology charts that appear in the newspaper .
8 All the men that appear in the play are part of a circle of friends , situated in Venice .
9 Any terms that appear in the document are candidates for index terms .
10 Thus even bottom-dwelling molluscs can be dispersed widely over long distances , and are quick to colonize vacant sites that appear in the ocean ( new volcanic islands like Surtsey , for example ) .
11 I feel sure some of the ’ casual ’ big roach caught by pleasure anglers that appear in the angling press , when not hybrids , have been ’ guestimated ’ .
12 Exx.1-3 show the three different textures that appear in the scores for this ballet : ex.1 solo voice and bass line ( this is the opening vocal air of the ballet , the full text of which may be seen in illus.l ) ; ex.2 an instrumental trio , with two treble instruments and bass ( the ritournelle that follows the vocal air ) ; ex.3 a five-part instrumental texture , each line notated in a different clef ( the first entrée ) .
13 These are the human remains that appear in the picture of the priests , from bodies that had already been torn apart by dogs before they were found in the sand .
14 Nearly all substances that appear in the urine show daily rhythms and these are due to our habits as well as our body clock .
15 In short the pictures in an art museum have been closely monitored , often through decades and in a few cases for centuries , so full descriptions that appear in the catalogues have a thorough-paced authority .
16 This is the Harlequin Principle and is vividly expressed on the body of the harlequin sweetlips , a fish that appears to the eye as a collection of coral reef growths .
17 ‘ Way of life ’ we have used to symbolise the familiar , the comfortable , a social world that appears to the actor as natural , without mystery or artifice , in which he feels confident , competent , at home .
18 And , because all this capability was part of the Macintosh operating system it was available to any software developer so almost every package that appears for the system works the same way .
19 The well known picture of the flautist that appears as the frontispiece of his Principes de la flûte traversière ( Paris , 1707 ) is assumed to be a portrait of Jacques himself ; the instrument he plays is the archetype of the early three-piece flute ( illus.2 ) .
20 The intrusive authorial voice exemplified in this passage , and generally typical of the classic novel — the voice that confides , comments , explains and sometimes scolds — the voice to which we rather casually give the name that appears on the title-page ( Henry Fielding , Charles Dickens , George Eliot , or whoever ) is the most obvious sign that these writers saw themselves as engaged in an act of communication with their readers .
21 The image that appears on the paper is a mirror-image of the original drawing done on the stone .
22 If not , use the number that appears on the line that is the same as line 5 .
23 Your task is , regardless of the symbol that appears on the left , to sort the cards into the four shapes , right ?
24 Because everything that appears on the Macintosh screen is treated as a graphic , even the text is handled this way , life is remarkably easy for the desktop publisher .
25 Uncut diamonds do not glitter and gleam like the cut and polished article that appears at the end of the process .
26 The items below are included in the check list that appears at the end of this book .
27 In fact sir , the County Council 's figures produced in another appendix , ca n't lay my hands on it at the moment , had put this figure in as three thousand six hundred and fifty , but the nub of those two things are , that over that six month period , we 're not only seeing more houses built but we have more consented , and that has n't affected the residue that appears in the rest of these schedules .
28 Much of the work that appears in the literature is largely descriptive in nature .
29 This is rather more than the summary that appears in the prelims .
30 That 's the figure that appears in the quotation to the client .
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