Example sentences of "that a [adj] approach [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Through this experience , we have found that a systematic approach to applications engineering is needed to identify whether a PDC concept is appropriate to solve a specific problem , and , if so , what set of data carriers and other system elements is best suited for the application .
2 Our evidence suggests that a new approach to social stratification is required to assess health inequalities in childhood .
3 Léger insisted that a new approach in art was necessary .
4 In Britain , Clifford and Frosh ( 1982 ) proposed that a Lacanian-informed approach to the psychology of interpersonal relationships , development , and irrationality , would avoid the traditional discipline 's obsession with single , uncontradictory meanings .
5 It is suggested in the final part of this chapter that a different approach to education management is possible .
6 On Jan. 10 Lewandowski told a Sejm committee assessing his candidacy for the post of Minister of Ownership Transformations that the performance of the share offer indicated that a different approach to privatization was needed , and he said that he favoured distributing to all Polish citizens free vouchers to be exchanged for shares .
7 We have publicly stated that we believe the Government should address this issue sooner rather than later and have suggested that a flexible approach to State pension age could be achieved with little additional cost to the State .
8 They argue ( or implicitly accept ) that a scientific approach to a problem involves separating ‘ facts ’ from ‘ values ’ .
9 Simplifying somewhat , we might say that a structural approach to language teaching lays emphasis on systemic knowledge and makes the assumption that once this is acquired the learners will discover for themselves how it is put to use in communication .
10 THE GOVERNMENT was warned yesterday that a heavy-handed approach to curbing inflation could jeopardise Britain 's chances of exploiting the opportunities provided by the creation of a barrier-free Europe in 1992 .
11 In 1972 the report of the Committee on Mission for the British Council of Churches entitled ‘ Stand Up and Be Counted ’ expressed the conviction ‘ that a fresh approach to the collection and use of statistical information is the basic prerequisite of any realistic planning for mission in the United Kingdom ’ ( p. 1 ) .
12 More recently , however , it has been argued that the differences in Hebrew style which are used to define the pentateuchal sources have no significance in the light of ancient literary conventions , and that a fresh approach to this aspect of the criticism of the Pentateuch is required .
13 EPA administrator Carol Browner described the auction as a success , claiming that it proved " utilities and the public are taking emission trading seriously and that a market-based approach to environmental policy can succeed in meeting the dual goals of environmental protection and economic growth " .
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