Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] been living " in BNC.

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1 Time was impossible to measure down in Chard — it always is when you 're a child — and I remember one day chatting to Uncle Cyril and feeling that I 'd been living there for an age .
2 He was overlooking the fact that I had been living with Jean-Claude for more than three years .
3 As Lou 's story progressed , however , it emerged that she had been living with Rick for several months and had high hopes of becoming engaged to him herself .
4 Erm there 's also a very strange statement in paragraph which says that the nineteen sixty eight act is intended to provide a network of sites to enable gypsies to move around or settle , but in practice many gypsies are settled on permanent sites and it seems to me that that is the logical result of having insufficient pitches in that if th you know there are n't enough pitches for you , you are not going to get up and go from a permanent that you 've been living on and move off in case you ca n't one somewhere else and that seems to be the inevitable logic of the government 's own failure to make sure that there is adequate provisions in local sites .
5 The most recent has been from the late 1970s through the 1980s , and if we think of those years as one of only four periods of major structural change in nearly two centuries we can appreciate that we have been living in interesting times .
6 The authorities claimed that they had been living illegally on land which had been allocated to others , in Khartoum suburbs such as Karmuta where large numbers of mud-brick houses had reportedly now been vacated and then destroyed by bulldozers .
7 ( a ) Spouses living together There is no charge to capital gains tax on a transfer of assets between husband and wife provided that they have been living together in the year of assessment in which the transfer takes place ( Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 ) ( " TCGA 1992 " ) , s58 .
8 The Thames and Chilterns Tourist Board went into liquidation last month amid allegations that it had been living beyond its means .
9 In all the time that he 'd been living out on the Step Pete had seen only one stranger go by , and that was a hiker who 'd stopped to ask the way because he 'd been lost .
10 I felt that way myself — the difference was that he had been living longer .
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