Example sentences of "i wanted [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I wanted to die in the USA .
2 I saw quite a few artists whom I wanted to represent on the trip .
3 It felt light in his arms ; a child starved of love and food and warmth : ‘ And although a part of me , deep buried , hidden away , knew , ’ he said , ‘ still I wanted to weep for the pity of it . ’
4 I think it 's a very good cause , I wanted to invest in the future .
5 I had the Count send him my plans for the work I wanted to do on the buildings .
6 I was really enjoying my new status as a mother and being at home and caring for Danielle and watching her grow and learn was all I wanted to do for the rest of my life .
7 All I wanted to do for the first few weeks was to let Skipper get to know me and his surroundings .
8 If I wanted to point at the put directory .
9 Like every other aspiring young artist , I wanted to go to the Slade or the RCA ( Royal College of Art ) to do a post-graduate degree .
10 I wanted to go to the top people .
11 I wanted to go to the Yorkshire Moors or the Lake District : I had romantic visions of myself as a drystone waller , indomitable against the elements .
12 I told my parents that I wanted to go to the lavatory and have a wash .
13 I wanted to go to the toilet
14 We 've been out this morning , that 's right , we got back in and I was then going to go over to Saint Mary 's church club , I wanted to go to the bank at Saint Mary 's church , and erm , back door bell goes ding ding ding ding ding and I think it 's Chris cos Chris is normally the only one , go out there and who should it be ?
15 It was a conscious choice that I wanted to go into the company , but I did n't have a clear view as to what particular part of the business I was interested in .
16 ‘ I knew I wanted to go into the application of research ’ , he said .
17 I wanted to go into the Royal Air Force , always did .
18 I 'd already decided I wanted to go into the Army and it would n't have been a good idea to have anything on my record about supporting some left-wing group .
19 Then I wanted to join the army and that was another two months of warfare , and then when I wanted to go in the police force my parents said , ‘ You 're trying to tell us something about your attitude to school , are n't you ? ’
20 I think that in my secret eating I was saying , speech also being an oral activity , all the resentful and hostile things I wanted to say about the school and about my life in general .
21 Becky thought that she was the ‘ BB ’ whose hand I wanted to hold on the bus tonight .
22 I wanted to talk to the famous pianist before his concert .
23 Knowing that I wanted to speak to the bedu woman to learn more of her life , the Sheikha signalled me to stay while they moved out of the dining room , pulling their veils over their masks .
24 The interest of the BBC 's Heart of the Matter was triggered by Newsnight and that , in turn , caught the attention of a researcher on Wogan , Mandy Nixon , who asked if I wanted to appear on the programme .
25 I wanted to start at the beginning .
26 Have I written all I wanted to write about the room , or have I left out something important ?
27 For some reason the ‘ Poet-Public-Faith ’ article did not get used ; but meanwhile Collingwood , whose acquaintance I had made , had received the advancement he amply deserved , and I wanted to write in The Criterion about his first lecture as Professor .
28 All this was making my muscles feel slack and unused , and I wanted to sprint up the street just to feel myself alive again .
29 ‘ I did n't want to stop during the race because it was my first attempt at the 400 metres hurdles and I wanted to get into the junior rankings , ’ she said .
30 no I ca n't and she would n't get off the phone and I wanted to get to the phone and she said , phone me up Is it all right then , I 'll phone him afterwards !
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