Example sentences of "i 'd [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 Not only that — they also thought , because I 'd gone to the grammar , that suddenly I was too snooty to be friends with them .
2 If I 'd gone to the rank inside , it would have been the railway police 's case .
3 But at least I 'd taken the first step , and not an easy step , considering what I 'd said to the doctor at our last meeting .
4 And I 'd said to the And I 'd said to the dentist
5 And I 'd said to the And I 'd said to the dentist
6 He says Well you 're quite right n y I Cos I did n't think we You know I 'd said to the man already it 's quite possible I would n't be able to really take the stuff out of store for him .
7 the kitchen was piled up , I , I , Dinda took my suitcase upstairs , I 'd seen to the dog , he was very , very good in the car as you know er , I took my suitcase , I could n't get through the bedroom door , the bed clothes on the floor where it 's , where we 've had a sudden hot spell , he had n't folded them up
8 That night I watched television and did some paperwork , amending the maps to include the newly named Black Destroyer Hill , writing a brief description of what I 'd done to the rabbits and logging both the effects of the bombs that I 'd used and the manufacture of the latest batch .
9 But undeterred by background or family opinion , I 'd written to the BBC to let them know of my ambitions to be a broadcaster — and was dismissed without benefit of an interview .
10 ‘ If only I 'd listened to the old folk telling their stories . ’
11 The half inch I 'd added to the 5ft 8in , somehow became attached to the 5ft 9in .
12 But by the time I 'd got to the summer term the things that had failed had failed and I knew why , and I was n't feeling too inclined to change them particularly at the time because they had n't failed to the point where the class was in chaos .
13 I picked another horse , in the race before — I 'd got to the bookie 's at about half-past two , I suppose .
14 The time I went before that , I got erm , like a frostbitten thumb , because I was going up on the chair lift , and er , I dropped one of my gloves , and it was quite a cold day , so by the time I 'd got to the top , and skied all the way back down , and then down the road going back to try and find me gloves , because I had borrowed them from a friend ,
15 by the time I 'd got to the next one
16 It was published shortly after I 'd taken part in a time and motion study during which I 'd spoken to the man with the clip-board and asked a few pertinent questions .
17 I 'd stuck to the rules arid nothing had happened .
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