Example sentences of "i thank [pers pn] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I thanked him for all he had bought .
2 Can I thank you for those generous comments that you say towards er , , I think they 're totally true , he 's worked extremely hard in making sure this council has a budget which balanced , and it 's due to his expertise and bullying tactics that we 've succeeded , and he should be fully congratulated for that , and I think it 's the determination of those who were elected in May as well , to make sure that we protected services and jobs , and , and make sure that we actually carried out the mandate which the electors elected us to do that we have such ach achieved what we have achieved today .
3 I thank you for that assurance , my lord , ’ said the queen-dowager tremulously , drawing closer the still-sleeping prince .
4 ‘ Your Grace , ’ Benjamin replied coolly , ‘ I thank you for that but I must agree with Doctor Agrippa — there are matters still unresolved . ’
5 Nearly all of you promised to promote Society membership and I thank you for that .
6 I thank you for all your prayers and support over many years and look forward to these 2 years in and around the fellowship .
7 So both in your letter to me and your letter to Mr Deva MP , you are helping to keep the voice of public opinion heard , and I thank you for both .
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