Example sentences of "i remember [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 oh great , any body want a bobby Batman sock ? , phew dear his feet smell I remember seeing it , I do n't remember if it was yesterday , cos I remember seeing the games and all that , I did n't throw it away
2 Alan said , ‘ I remember seeing the life of Christ Jesus acted out one time .
3 Turns out , Deardrie , she 's applied to be an astronaut — I remember seeing the advert , asking for people to go to the moon — it 's not that I 'm jealous , but why did n't she ask me first ?
4 I remember boiling the milk and pouring it on the tea leaves .
5 I remember removing the name-tapes of the former wearers ( who had left the school ) with a savage feeling that these people had to be got rid of , otherwise they would possess me as a living person is possessed by a ghost .
6 I remember telling the Secretary of State that the poll tax was cumbersome , burdening and complicated ; that it would give a great deal of trouble to local council finance departments ; and that it was inevitable that thousands upon thousands of mistakes would be made .
7 I remember reading the novel as a child , when it made a great impression on me , but the deplorable pastiches and plagiarizations put out by the mass media have obliterated my memory of the original details .
8 I remember reading The Factory Whistle when it first came out .
9 I remember learning the word humid as the air in Bangkok at that time was hot and wet .
10 We were told to take food and water on a train going down to Mandalay and I remember taking the Mothers ' Union tea urn !
11 Then I remember getting the Ramones album when I 'd just turned sixteen .
12 I remember passing the church just after they were married .
13 In the end I agreed to do this but I remember leaving the meeting literally , I am afraid , in tears and saying that although I would obey the majority I would resign from the Government afterwards as quietly as I could because I should have failed to uphold an almost lifelong conviction …
14 I remember watching the cricket last year
15 I remember watching the television report showing him standing over a map in the local Party headquarters , sweeping his hand across it presumably indicating which areas were to disappear from the face of the earth .
16 Which which I remember incorporates the amendment moved by
17 I remember putting the door mat over my head , as the engine mechanism of the bomb stopped right over our house .
18 I remember cutting the peats you know .
19 I remember abandoning the magazine then as increasing attention was paid to '60s guitar heroes , MOR supergroups and ultra-fast heavy metal people with ever more widdly names .
20 I remember doing the cover of an American magazine called Rolling Stone in my underwear .
21 I remember doing the mate 's cabin and being mildly surprised to find two cartons of cigarettes and two bottles of whisky in an obvious place under the bottom drawer of his bunk .
22 I remember doing the Stoppard play Undiscovered Country which was a great help and drama school needs to do more of that sort of thing .
23 Consider the sentence , ‘ I remember emptying the marmalade jar at breakfast yesterday ’ .
24 I remember trimming the wax from the fat tallow candle in the centre of the table .
25 I remember researching the notes for the Bach Brandenburg Concerto you played when you brought the Berlin Philharmonic to play in the Sheldonian in Oxford and coming across a passage in the writing of that great American philosopher Susanne Langer , where she defines the competent artist as someone whose mind is trained and predisposed to see every option in relation to others and the whole .
26 I remember visiting the home of a radio producer , and all the doors were missing except the front and back ones !
27 I remembered to re-xerox the pencil pictures I did of you and John in 1975 , so I enclose them .
28 In the course of return visits to Tehran and Isfahan in 1977 , I was continually struck by an air of impending serious troubles like those I remembered engulfing the country in 1963 .
29 I 'm scared shitless , but I remembered to re-set the laser .
30 ‘ Now I just wonder if I remembered to bring the key , ’ she speculated aloud .
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