Example sentences of "i do n't mind [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore I do n't mind him hearing the very worst about my past .
2 ignore her and er pop next door and I mean I do n't mind him popping out as long as he 's
3 Well , I do n't mind him walking across that bit but
4 Aye but I do n't see , I do n't , I do n't mind him , no , you know
5 I do n't mind them any more . ’
6 I do n't mind them celebrating Christmas but it 's insensitive to keep it going at that level for that long .
7 ‘ Oh , I do n't mind them , ’ said Bob , wedging his head against the back of the chair , so that the colossal thumping going on inside his skull would n't shake it loose from its mountings .
8 I do n't mind them playing their little games , ’ Owen complained .
9 Okay well , well I do n't mind them knowing who I am , I er I mean it 's a , you know , if they do want to , mm
10 I do n't mind them that colour really .
11 I do n't mind them .
12 Liar , er I do n't mind them doing the video tapes over , but
13 As one constable put it , ‘ I do n't mind you being here , I do n't mind you taking notes .
14 As one constable put it , ‘ I do n't mind you being here , I do n't mind you taking notes .
15 I do n't mind you at all , but the boys they 'd be suspicious of anyone who 's not a member of the police force , and that 's how people will see you : you 're not a member of the force ’ ( FN 23/10/87 , p. 20 ) .
16 I do n't mind you 'aving the others .
17 ‘ Oh , all right , ’ said Dolly blithely , ‘ I do n't mind you , you like lookin' at me legs , I can tell .
18 I do n't mind you saying it . ’
19 We 're not supposed to tell anyone about it , but I do n't mind you knowing . "
20 I do n't mind you knowing , ’ Josie said , dumping the costumes into Lucy 's arms and then picking out more .
21 And , defiantly , ‘ I do n't mind you knowing now .
22 ‘ However , I do n't mind you hearing . ’
23 I do n't mind you talking to the person next to you but keep the noise down please .
24 I do n't mind you playing gooseberry at all . ’
25 But er I sa I said look I said , you 're not doing yourself any favours by going to work , and I says , and I do n't mind you having day off .
26 As long as you buy the milk , I do n't mind you having cereal .
27 I do n't mind you know on camera , I do n't mind being on video , anything .
28 I do n't mind you leaving your chicken , but I 'd rather you ate your vegetables please .
29 I do n't mind you trying to get out , but you do n't go messing around like that .
30 so I mean I do n't mind you know
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