Example sentences of "i [vb base] [art] whole [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well I never saw the sea on fire but f when we wen went into the sea I mean we were directly beneath the platform , and at that stage I mean the whole platform was on fire .
2 Tha I mean the whole building 's brand new , he , well
3 No , but I mean the whole day , I
4 It 's just so dumb , I mean the whole movie is like , it 's in the nineteen seventies , yeah , and like they 've all got these big fucking boobs and they 're stuck out in space it 's fucking odd .
5 Everyone does n't have their birthday in February and March , I mean the whole world everyone 's bonking in
6 Er , I mean the whole lot separately ,
7 Yes oh yes watch , watch yourself over Christmas it 's very complex , yes because I mean the whole point in n it is to have the audio description and also it should be , it should into the runs , so that
8 I mean the whole point of it is right is it does n't make any difference how you reply to an invitation .
9 I mean the whole point of this really is
10 I mean if they 'd been trodden , downtrodden for thousands of years , I mean the whole power of the landlords is in the , the councils in the erm townships everywhere .
11 I mean the whole thing is wrong , the reconstruction , the theory behind it .
12 There 's nothing really more I mean the whole thing is a budget guesstimate .
13 taking it seriously I mean the whole thing trying to get in my bed .
14 I mean the whole thing would have to be redesigned .
15 One night he brings me a huge bar of Old Jamaica chocolate and watches while I eat the whole lot .
16 Well I expect the whole thing needs washing does n't it ?
17 I want the whole building cleared .
18 I 've told Dizzy that I want the whole works , and I do n't care what it costs him . ’
19 I want the whole track photographed and samples taken .
20 It 's too much trouble , but I want the whole truth about this rubbish concerning the loan of Nero .
21 And I cut the whole roads in three weeks time with a mower .
22 And so we 're likely to I think if I put the whole list in the newsletter it might have put people off .
23 Rushton is unbothered by the separation unless presumably it helps to sell a cartoon or two and said waggishly : ‘ I view the whole affair with tremendous apathy .
24 I like a whole lot of different music — classical , jazz , R&B and I also like commercial stuff and rap .
25 do n't swear , ooh you 're doing well , if I get some of these bits , if I get the whole ones and the big pieces they can go on the top and that
26 And I remember a whole boat-load of these young Irish lads and lasses coming aboard you know , weeping and wailing .
27 I ca n't be sure , because if lack of oxygen was affecting me , I would have blacked out at lot sooner , and I remember the whole episode ’ .
28 and further , and this is not meant to be a joke , in my own experience , if they get time to think quietly and realistically , I believe a whole lot of decent Conservatives who used to think pragmatically , organically and with respect for local communities , would emerge to contribute to a coalition for the future over against the ideological block that seems to think we use people to make money , instead of making money to serve people and their communities .
29 I believe the whole story 's going to come out . ’
30 Overall , by next April — when nearly 1 million people will gain from this year 's real increase , either directly through income support or through increased entitlement to housing or community charge benefit — we shall in three years have steered an extra one third of a billion pounds in real extra benefit to less well-off pensioners , in a way which I believe the whole House will welcome and support .
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