Example sentences of "for as [adv] as possible " in BNC.

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1 She decided that the link with Bert was unlikely to hold Jasper back from one of his binges ; that she would have to sit it out ; that Bert was almost certainly going after Pat ; that the best thing she could do was to organise a Congress of the C.C.U. for as soon as possible .
2 I 'm sixty next year but I 'd like to carry on for as long as possible . ’
3 Root crops for storage are best left in the ground for as long as possible , provided they are dug up before severe frosts set in .
4 Spaniards respect her for keeping her schoolteacher 's job for as long as possible .
5 Leave the meat for as long as possible before cooking .
6 They will put the moment off for as long as possible or refuse to acknowledge that it is coming along and then protest that they were not told .
7 Cdr Massoud has done his best to keep Mr Najibullah in power for as long as possible , largely to thwart his main rival , the Hizb-e-Islami ( Islamic Party ) of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar .
8 Against this , the nuclear industry has provided a wall of obfuscation — juggling figures to suit its needs , making wildly exaggerated claims for nuclear performance whilst minimizing its costs — and all in the optimistic hope of making the ‘ cheap ’ label stick for as long as possible .
9 It is sometimes suggested not only that postmodernism scarcely exists in Britain , but that it would not be a good thing if it did : like structuralism , it is seen as a form of literary rabies , to be confined to the Continent for as long as possible .
10 And then she would look to Gary for him to begin the piano again , and she would look us straight in the eye for as long as possible , and she would sing :
11 By the end of the 1980s , however , the position had been reversed , with calls on older workers to remain in employment for as long as possible .
12 Even if you are one of the lucky few , blessed with a fine trouble-free skin , the use of essential oils along with the techniques outlined in this chapter will not only help to preserve its suppleness for as long as possible , but will improve your health in general .
13 One should attempt to withhold all conventional hypotensive agents for as long as possible as they will tend to exacerbate the postural hypotension .
14 Since there is an intelligent system at work in each person it follows that if discomfort or dysfunction is necessary in order to maintain harmony within the system as a whole then the disease will manifest in the least important parts possible thus preserving the higher functions of the person for as long as possible .
15 One reason why officers were instructed to be friendly disciplinarians is that Smith , once again echoing public-school sentiments , consciously strove to prolong boyhood for as long as possible .
16 In recent years there has been a tremendous drive to keep elderly persons in their own homes for as long as possible , by giving close support to relatives and friends and by providing support from community services such as home helps and ‘ meals-on-wheels ’ .
17 I discovered that sitting very still for as long as possible was the first great secret .
18 This is due to a number of misguided actions , the chief of which is the yielding to a deep-seated wish on the part of some parents to prolong the babyhood stage for as long as possible .
19 If you burn or scald yourself , immediately immerse the affected part in cold water for as long as possible , or keep putting a cold , wet pad over it .
20 My driver , with raised eyebrows but without spoken question , agreed to keep the Rolls in sight for as long as possible , which he did without trouble all the way back to the city .
21 The large extended family , with its reliable supporting cast of aunts , uncles and cousins , as well as sons and daughters , all willing to help older members to remain happily in their own homes for as long as possible , is a thing of the past .
22 The modern social worker 's role is an enabling one , helping elderly people to make the best use of their own inner resources as well as the many social services available , and to retain some independence for as long as possible .
23 Playing music is what I love — and I want to do it for as long as possible . ’
24 Continue for as long as possible .
25 Then jog properly for as long as possible and record the number of steps .
26 Then jog properly for as long as possible .
27 Then jog properly for as long as possible .
28 Then jog properly for as long as possible .
29 Continue for as long as possible and record the number of steps .
30 Do 20 walking jogs , raising the arms up and down.Then jog properly for as long as possible .
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