Example sentences of "for more [subord] a decade " in BNC.

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1 Such a mood of concern has existed now for more than a decade and seems to mirror uncertainties of role occurring elsewhere in society .
2 The IRA statement of responsibility had incorrectly named another man , the brother of a well-known Belfast republican , as the victim of the shooting , accusing him of having a bizarre paramilitary career stretching for more than a decade .
3 The Khmer Rouge does not want to rock the boat , having waited patiently for more than a decade for the Vietnamese to leave .
4 Implicitly , they have accepted many of the criticisms made for more than a decade by Labour councils and civil libertarians : that a force which has dug itself in behind ramparts of elitist isolationism must begin to respond to demands of the public it serves and their political representatives .
5 Among those missing from the first Grand Slam event of the year are Andre Agassi and Jimmy Connors , who has not played the Australian Open for more than a decade .
6 For more than a decade , the spectre of the return of the hippy , of progressive rock , has haunted music-making .
7 It has been in accelerating decline for more than a decade , but the crunch is fast approaching .
8 Fred Clasper may have moved on to a new fighting ground but he , and men like him , left behind their destructive trade-mark on Britain for more than a decade .
9 A movie version of Morrison 's life has been in the works for more than a decade , with male stars from John Travolta to Jason Donovan coveting the lead role and a string of scriptwriters , directors and producers slated for involvement at different times .
10 Twelve of their heads were impaled on the Charles Bridge pour encourager les autres and remained there for more than a decade .
11 His appointment is part of the most radical restructuring of Whitehall for more than a decade , with the creation of two new ministerial posts .
12 By the early 1980s air pollution had been a dead issue for more than a decade .
13 In 1985 , a primary school headmaster in Cornwall was found , in an inquiry published by the County Council , to have been sexually molesting his pupils for more than a decade .
14 Our knowledge of graded tests comes from modern languages , where tests have been in use for more than a decade ; from mathematics , where two sets of tests are currently in use ; from science ; and from the long-established Associated Board Examinations in music , dancing , and spoken English , or recitation .
15 For more than a decade there has been an inverse relationship between government policy on public expenditure and that on education ; it has been low on funding and high on educational aspiration and expectation .
16 The Tour de France photographs in this guide are by Graham Watson , Britain 's best known cycling photographer , who has followed the Tour for more than a decade .
17 A year ago , the 40,000 population achieved the unique feat of driving out the army , which has terrorised the Indian highlands for more than a decade .
18 A crowd of more than 8,000 , Workington 's biggest for more than a decade , saw the Cumbrians produce a battling second-half performance .
19 Hongkong Bank is inheriting a bank in better shape than it has been in for more than a decade .
20 From her days as a newsreader on ITN through to Breakfast Time with Frank Bough and more recently The Clothes Show and BSkyB News , Selina 's cool aloofness has tantalised her audience for more than a decade .
21 Her final wish goes against the most fundamental principle of Conservative policy for more than a decade and one which she once fervently supported — taxes must rise .
22 The NCCSL works closely with other religious and secular organisations in its efforts to make a contribution towards encouraging and assisting individuals and communities whose lives have been devastated by the ongoing violence and ethnic conflict that have wracked Sri Lanka for more than a decade .
23 FOR more than a decade Sainsbury 's has been top of the shop parade .
24 For more than a decade I have been running workshops for Postgraduate Certificate in Education ( PGCE ) students at the University of London , first at the Institute of Education and later at Chelsea College and King 's College .
25 The government said that it was clear that Mr Athulathmudali was yet another victim of the Tigers , who for more than a decade have been fighting for a separate Tamil state on the island .
26 A successful election would strip the Khmers Rouges of the international recognition they have enjoyed ( incredibly enough ) for more than a decade .
27 The Phnom Penh government has been fighting the Khmers Rouges for more than a decade , but now it needs its old enemy .
28 For more than a decade there had been detailed debate in the industry on the best form of securing greater coordination of distribution .
29 Thus , although W. R. T. Skinner of the Yorkshire Electric Power Company was tarred with the company 's extreme anti-union reputation ( and not wanted by Citrine or the new Yorkshire Board ) the chairman-designate of the South Eastern Area Board was able to persuade Gaitskell to make him his deputy chairman , a position in which Skinner served loyally and efficiently for more than a decade , before himself succeeding to the chairmanship of that Board .
30 For more than a decade , Lloyd 's has been riven by scandals of various kinds ; professionals employed to assess the riskiness of insured risks and apportion them among the rich risk-takers have been discovered to have salted funds away on their own account .
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