Example sentences of "for the [adj] parts [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Here again , there are many quite ordinary terms for the internal parts of discourse types .
2 The use of copper as a protection for the underwater parts of ships ' hulls had been suggested in England as early as 1708 and by the 1770s it had been generally adopted throughout the navy .
3 At the heart of things , in the Minister 's room , were the sign-writers , working together throughout with the aim of achieving better communication with the public , and style and unity for the various parts of our effort .
4 They are , needless to say , supported by lawyers , economists , mathematicians and other specialists for the relevant parts of courses .
5 The list of such marked words is not a particularly long one : for the relevant parts of the body we have vit , coilles , con and cul which correspond in meaning , and , as far as one can tell , in tone , to current English prick , balls , cunt and arse ; as actions foutre ( fuck ) or occasionally alternatives such as corber ( lay ) ; as bodily excretions merde and pet ( shit ; fart ) .
6 Other maps , given at appropriate points in the text , give layouts for the other parts of the Castle .
7 Moving the teams out of AEA , on a basis which sustains the motivation of those involved , will also give scope for greater flexibility and clearer focus for the other parts of AEA .
8 These would probably have been deposited at different times , and the detailed examination of their contents will , in theory , reveal a progression of different parts of a coinage ; if one or more of these parts can be attached to an absolute date , it should be possible to estimate a date for the other parts in the progression or sequence .
9 Despite signs of renewed interest from both Ford and Volkswagen ( keen to re-establish itself as the largest car manufacturer in Europe ) , the British government announced in March 1988 that it intended to pursue a wholly British solution for the remaining parts of Rover by selling it to British Aerospace ( BAe ) .
10 For the non-commercial parts of the operation , the Government 's present procedure for funding such investments , for example by Network SouthEast or London Underground , is to take into account , where appropriate , the wider non-user benefits — I gave the House examples of such non-user benefits — and to finance London Underground by grant and British Rail by passenger service obligation grant , which is a revenue grant , and then by loan sanction permission to borrow .
11 After the news of the secret negotiations between the government , Leyland Vehicles and GM broke in February 1986 , the government allowed alternative bids to be put in for the different parts of the firm .
12 The competitors who had entered all three parts of the competition had usually designed all three parts together , and in some cases had shown drawings for the different parts on the same piece of paper .
13 The only RPG that you wo n't get too embarrassed buying is Toe Jam And Earl , an ideal chill-out kind of game about two alien rappers who strut the screen looking for the missing parts of their spaceship so they can return to planet Funkotron .
14 To the right of the kitchener were two cupboards , the top some five feet high used for airing clothes , the lower containing all the necessary paraphernalia for the stove — blacklead and brushes , metal polish for the shiny parts plus the boot and shoe cleaning materials .
15 Turning now very briefly to the H One D the Greater York issue , clearly the comments I 've made about the calculations for York have a knock on effect for our position on Greater York , the Greater York figures as I understand it from the County Council are based on a one hundred percent migration assumption , if the technical difference between us er we are right then we believe clearly the Greater York figure should be increased by an appropriate amount , and the we 've suggested the increased cut should be seven hundred er relating to the city itself I ca n't calculate with any great accuracy what the figure for the surrounding parts of Greater York might be , but it would be we suspect only another one to two hundred more on top of that , therefore that underst explains the reason why the City Council suggests that the Greater York should be increased to the ten four figure from the nine seven .
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