Example sentences of "for the [adj] majority [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lima 's politicians may rue their election strategy of branding Fujimori , the son of Japanese immigrants , a ‘ foreigner ’ , for the Quechua-speaking majority in the Andean highlands , estranged from a state apparatus that functions in Spanish , sympathised with the man they nicknamed the ‘ Little Chinaman ’ .
2 Although I 'd followed the progress of the King trial in the papers , it was only then that it began to hit home what a symbol he had become for the suppressed majority of my city .
3 The family and marriage , in the particular form that it took in Victorian times , was , for the great majority of Engels 's contemporaries a sacred , eternal , and unchallengeable institution .
4 This means that unnecessary barriers are not created for the great majority of paraprofessionals who must keep working to support themselves and their families and who often do not have the formal academic credentials necessary for university entrance .
5 Taylor and Urquhart observe that , for the great majority of research materials , use of an item declines rapidly about three years after publication , so that after this period any book has an equally low chance of being used .
6 THEN IT 'S OVER TO THE PERFORMER(S) , AND it is here ( at least in the Western Classical music tradition ) , that the point of contract for the great majority of music lovers occurs : not with the original text ( as with paintings , architecture , novels , poetry , often even drama ) , but with the interpreter .
7 This appears to be because institutional shareholders who account for the great majority of shareholdings on The Stock Exchange see themselves as managing a portfolio for which they buy and sell .
8 But in practice , for the great majority of schools , the selection procedure acted as a straightjacket .
9 Financial support is perhaps the most accessible to documentation , although even this is not always clear , especially for the great majority of the population who did not codify their financial support for kin through wills and settlements , simply because they lived from hand to mouth .
10 For the great majority of its members this , and not the long-term and grander aspirations of the Movement , was the compelling attraction ; and the institution of the dividend on purchases created among members a dominant body of people whose interest was to maximise the amount .
11 Whereas a comprehensive secondary school might offer some 30 subjects for all its pupils , and about a dozen subjects account for the great majority of A levels , the curriculum explodes in higher education , part of a post-school explosion even greater when one takes into account the vast number of technical and vocational courses that exist in non-advanced further education .
12 But among them , they account for the great majority of all innovation opportunities .
13 For the great majority of rural workers a bathroom is a rare luxury . ’
14 These life peers now play a major role in the day-to-day work of the Lords ; indeed , their presence is essential for the great majority of hereditary peers rarely , if ever , attend .
15 This is in fact the case for the great majority of congenital abnormalities in Hungary .
16 It is heartening to find that the various research tools bear out intuitive impressions in that , for the great majority of people with a history of mental health problems , quality of life is better in supported accommodation .
17 for the great majority of those concerned , the answer must still be sought in paper publications .
18 ’ Can pay , wo n't pay ’ is shorthand : written out in full , their credo was , ’ We have the money to make our proper contribution to the cost of essential local services , but , because we wish to indulge in political point-scoring , we will withhold that contribution — knowing full well that by doing so we will force local authorities either to increase charges for the great majority of law-abiding citizens , or to cut services . ’
19 did before or after the events we are told of in the tales , and this holds for the great majority of the fabliaux .
20 On balance Voltaire 's maxim that the poor could have no patrie probably still held sound for the vast majority of Belorussian peasants in early NEP .
21 Secondly they act on E coli , bacteria responsible for the vast majority of urine infections .
22 For the vast majority of men , smart dress for business or formal occasions demands a tie and an outfit appears incomplete without one .
23 Stress , in its many guises , accounts for the vast majority of ills in this world of speed , ‘ high-tech ’ and emotional unrest .
24 Although this basic classification will suffice for the vast majority of hypertensive diabetics , it is extremely important to delineate the numerically small percentage of those whose elevated blood pressure is associated with neuropathy as these will present an additional therapeutic challenge .
25 The immediate causes of anger could be divided into the following categories , which accounted for the vast majority of incidents reported :
26 ‘ However , in due course a few , a very few indeed , intelligent teachers came to take a cool look at what was happening and they realised that for the vast majority of children the majority of our educational processes add about as much to the mental stature of our children as a diet of sawdust would add to their physical stature … . ,
27 These are known as ‘ transferred cases ’ and account for the vast majority of appeals .
28 After all , that was the prospect for the vast majority of British children .
29 The Policy Studies Institute preliminary report Credit and Debt in Britain ( February 1990 ) emphasized that mortgages did not result in problem debts for the vast majority of borrowers .
30 It seems that for the vast majority of dog owners , the very presence of canine company simply makes us feel good .
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