Example sentences of "was talking to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Lucchesi was talking to me about fingering . "
2 Erm and when she was talking to me about different people , I 'd never know who they was , because I was never I was never that interested in Bay to er to find out who they was or to remember she 'd point out somebody and say that 's so and so and then when she 'd mention him a couple of days later I 'd go , Who 's that ?
3 I s I heard something about somebody was talking to me about it a little while ago .
4 I know Ellen Garwood loved to call him Mr Green , and when she would write me letters thinking that Mr Green was her real son , I got the impression that she was talking to me on the telephone underneath her bed , about the fun she was having .
5 Yes , well , as a matter of fact er , the moderator was talking to me on the telephone
6 So I said ‘ Well , there 's no need to be frightened of him , he would n't touch you ’ , but you see then somebody was talking to me on the phone last night and said the same thing ‘ We do n't come any more to say prayers as we go through the churchyard because we 're frightened ’ .
7 I wondered if she was talking to me for a minute .
8 One of you was talking to me at er lunchtime and telling me that he recently bought er er a C D of Dvorak 's Slavonic dances and when he played it it turned out to be some country and western music .
9 Wycliffe was talking to them in his little office , where the Salvation Army band had once stored their instruments .
10 Well I was talking to him about it , I said I reckon you 've spent the you 've spent quite a bit now so you might as well just go another get final .
11 I was talking to him about that and I got a totally different response from him that I expected did n't mind .
12 She was talking to him as if he was grown-up and it made him feel uncomfortable .
13 ‘ I was talking to him in the post office . ’
14 he broke in rails because some silly man was talking to him in Wales !
15 Like , cos I was talking to him in the party , yeah ?
16 Charlotte had found something that Emily had written , and was talking to her about it .
17 And I er was talking to her down the lane when Mrs Monday and I asked her how she was and she said oh I 've had a few falls in the house and all .
18 anyw anyway erm I was talking to her on the bus not too long ago and , I do n't know how it came up but she was talking about Egypt , and er she 'd been apparently oh some a year or two back cos she did a , an evening course on Egyptology and she went through that , but she was telling me about a friend or friends of hers who 'd been er and told me about the trip .
19 jumping around while I was talking to her on the phone , I was getting so pissed the phone .
20 I was talking to her at a women 's group meeting — we were playing records .
21 he was talking to her like seven years old .
22 Whoever was talking to us from Over Yonder , however , knew all the words .
23 If I was talking to you on the street and you had asked me where such-and-such a street was , that was all right .
24 Right , if you just want to come out of there and we 'll just have a look at the plot of the residuals , if you plot the residuals the test for serial correlation there well the test for serial correlation , right , and try and determine whether there 's a auto regressive structure to those parameters and I think Steve was talking to you about er auto regressions , so what the computer is doing essentially , it is getting the residuals from the model raised and it 's regressing them right on the residuals in the previous period , right , and it 's testing whether this parameter row , right , is significantly different from zero right , now if this is , if row is significantly different from zero , let's say it 's nought point six , that implies the residuals in T are not independent of the residuals in T minus one .
25 but the point I 'm trying to make is that the person who made the presentation er o o on er for , for the best of riders , I think he 's rather missed the point because he was talking to you about the , including , more information on er within the T V P and we did discuss , er we did like to make it quite clear during our er discussions that riding of horses on the highway is a matter for the T V P , riding horses on bridleways is a matter that we will have to deal with in basic in time .
26 was it comparative I was talking to you about ?
27 If I was talking to you as my pal , I 'd get done for idling my time .
28 If anyone from the group here met Kemp at 3 p.m. , it was n't Downes , because nine or ten of you here will willingly testify to the incontrovertible fact that he was talking to you from that time onwards .
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