Example sentences of "was able [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And erm watch it all the things that one had to do to one 's car if one was able to use a car in the blackout .
2 The Wilhemine state was able to use a number of institutions of art to attempt to prevent the Secession 's promotion of an autonomous and modernist painting .
3 In my first book , Death and the Visiting Firemen , back in 1959 , I made my detective a schoolmaster ( as my father had been ) and was able to use a teacher 's summing-up of a class of twenty or thirty potential delinquents as a parallel for an investigator 's examining of six or so suspects .
4 For Robbe-Grillet in particular , this was also a philosophical and quasi-sociological necessity , mirroring the dehumanization and alienation of man in modern society — a critique which would later be adapted by the Marxist theorist Lucien Goldmann — in Pour une sociologie du roman ( 1964 ) — who was able to use the concept of reification as a means of explaining the chosisme of Robbe-Grillet 's early novels and the subversion of character in the nouveau roman generally .
5 Because of this , as Mr Henderson explains : ‘ It was able to use the output from that to build its Micro Control application in two days and completely circumvent the need for the mainframe . ’
6 She was very determined , and very soon after her return home she was managing the stairs , and later she was able to use the bath without a hoist .
7 He was able to use the fact that he was a police sergeant ( and a sociology graduate ) to conduct a covert study of the police at work , and discusses the ethics of such research .
8 A key point to note is that every stage of processing was able to affect the score of a reading ; thus , for example , a reading that scored more highly during the first ( semantic conflation ) phrase could later be overtaken by another which allowed easier reference resolution .
9 The Benedictine monasteries regarded themselves as islands of true Christianity in a sea of pagan barbarism and it was not until the eleventh century that the monks of the abbey of Cluny and its affiliated houses began a campaign that was able to educate the laity and local clergy .
10 After three years of redrafting and hard debate , a large majority in the Council was able to welcome a text reflecting both the ideas and the spirit of the more ‘ pastoral ’ tendency .
11 Gorbachev , addressing the 27th CPSU Congress in 1986 , was able to welcome the improvement that had already taken place in relations with ‘ socialist China ’ .
12 To ensure he did not leave before the police came — some 20 minutes after being called — I was able to block the lane by sitting in a garden chair .
13 Luckily , despite the cramped conditions , I was able to block the inspector 's view , thereby obscuring Colin Webley 's neanderthal plumbing and the various cultures and mould growths my boy Chester has been propagating on the water tank as part of his Tech .
14 Reaching over , however , she managed to hook Randy 's stick , so Mike was able to tap the ball away .
15 By 1885 social purity was able to tap an anxiety which found a symbolic focus in the ‘ twin evils ’ of enforced prostitution and the exploitation of minors , young girls .
16 He was able to watch the progress of the three space travellers too , and steal an occasional glance at Britta 's legs .
17 When called to go to the gentiles , he was able to manage the change of understanding that this involved for the whole group .
18 So clean was the tackle that he was able to dispossess the player and race clear with the ball .
19 After half an hour , if each junior cadet was able to fill a three-litre vessel with vomit , the celebrants cleansed their palates with avocado and mango , eggplants and gloryberries .
20 Erm can I also draw your attention to the to the second erm part of the of the policy that would at least permit that type of development provided it it was able to demonstrate a need to be located in North Yorkshire .
21 Despite the bid costs , Amstrad was able to report a bounce back into the black for the six months to December .
22 By dint of some speedy alterations by Taheb 's dressmaker , Huy was able to wear a kilt and shirt that had belonged to Taheb 's late husband , his friend Amotju .
23 This option might have to be taken up in the future when the V-bombers reached the end of their operational lives , unless the TSR 2 turned out to be as effective as the RAF hoped , and was able to extend the life of the airborne nuclear deterrent indefinitely .
24 With the Berlin Philharmonic Karajan was able to extend the scope of his musical preparation not just across days but across weeks and even years .
25 Either , therefore , Oswiu did become king in 642 , as Bede says , or Bede was able to date the council of Whitby to 664 by reference to the eclipse and plague of that year and he calculated Oswiu 's regnal year at this point for himself on his own assumption of a succession for Oswiu in 642 .
26 Moreover luck sometimes prevented the family conflicts of the Merovingians from getting out of hand : accident of survival meant that the kingdom was united in 558 , when Chlothar I was left as the only surviving son of Clovis , and was able to unite the regnum Francorum for the first time in forty-seven years .
27 Graham 's first touch let him down as Boro waited for offside and Stephen Pears was able to smother the ball .
28 He once claimed to me that he was able to open a beer bottle with his eye and that it would cost me $29 for the privilege of seeing the trick .
29 So when I could n't say a word , so he was able to open the lift door , you see , from outside .
30 Even so , Police Constable Clifford nearly hit her , and it was only by a combination of his skill and the excellent condition of his car 's brakes that he was able to stop a fraction of a second before knocking her down .
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