Example sentences of "was included in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As soon as the infant Arthur was old enough to be propped against the proscenium arch , he was included in the turn .
2 In D & M Trailers ( Halifax ) Ltd. v. Stirling ( 1978 C.A. ) an extensive exemption clause was included in the conditions of sale posted up around an auction room .
3 cAMP was included in the experiments with CRP at a final concentration of 10 µM .
4 Two of the numbers they played were ‘ Red River Valley ’ and ‘ Turkey In The Straw ’ ( the former finding expression in 1989 , when it was included in the video Songs from The Life Of Leonard Cohen ! )
5 The strict approach , whereby in construing the effect of a purported exclusion clause everything was construed against the party in whose favour a term was included in the contract , the contra preferentem rule , has been mitigated through statutory intervention .
6 It should then be possible to select any single child from the population ( whether or not that child was included in the standardisation sample ) , and , after testing , compare her score to the pattern of scores obtained from the standardisation sample .
7 Further discussion took place at the County Council meeting in March , at which £15,000 was included in the estimates to finance a study .
8 ‘ My own wife was included in the sample but disregarded because of her known political views . ’
9 ‘ My own wife was included in the sample but disregarded because of her known political views . ’
10 The objector must be distinguished sharply from someone who merely attributes to us some particular idea of a particular necessitating circumstance for the effect , some particular idea of what was included in the circumstance for the candle smell , and believes that the circumstance included more .
11 In the form in which the principles appear in the Act they relate clearly to a version which was included in the Council of Europe Convention of 1981 .
12 It was a matter of concern , she said , that no money was included in the council 's 1993/94 budget to continue the six units , at Bangor , Deganwy , Caernarfon , Llangefni , Pwllheli and Blaenau Ffestiniog , beyond August .
13 A brief , and perhaps unduly euphoric historical note , probably written by J.G. Wright ( then professor designate of surgery ) was included in the brochure prepared for the opening of the present buildings in Camden Town by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1937 .
14 The story was included in The Sketch Book ( 1819–20 ) .
15 The cost of community care for action sample clients is of course higher than for people in the control samples because the cost of support worker time plus a proportion of the time of the development officers was included in the assessment of community service costs at the time of second and third assessments .
16 Between 1950 and 1960 the Indianapolis 500 was included in the championship but it was rare for a European Grand Prix driver to compete in the race , and vice versa .
17 Early in 1960 a proper low level package was included in the PR course , when crews flew at 250ft on dual exercises and 1,000ft when solo ( Bomber Squadron did not commence low level training until late 1961 ) .
18 Local councillor Michael Wigley said since the village was included in the blacklist of Darlington Cats Protection League , many residents had come forward to protest .
19 Few of the proposals were contentious , leaving the debate to be sharpened by the emotive issues of corporal punishment , which was included in the Bill as presented to Parliament on Second Reading , and the death penalty , which was not .
20 Adjustment for risk factors made little difference to the mortality rates except when birth weight was included in the adjustment for the deaths due to immaturity .
21 This gain was included in the profit and loss account as an extraordinary item , Bonelli said , ‘ so as not to cloud the true operating position ’ of the company .
22 Sometimes the loan of a fur-lined flying suit was included in the price of the single ticket ( London to Paris twenty guineas ) .
23 Emil , laying tablecloths , said that wine alone was included in the fare , all other cocktails having to be paid for , and perhaps I 'd better just serve the wine ; he and Oliver and Cathy would do the rest .
24 Then , on April 9 , he commended a group , none of whose names was included in the Press release , called who suggested that the industry should set up a body to be more pro-active and dynamic in the promotion of food products .
25 In tumours affecting the cardia and the lower oesophagus , the tumour was included in the series if the majority of the tumour was gastric .
26 The costs bill was included in the account as a disbursement .
27 I thanked him for everything and left the orbit of his beaming smile knowing that I was included in the universality of stupid behaviour .
28 In the event , none of the interview was included in the broadcast .
29 All the work in connection with these facilities was carried out in Hong Kong and the cost thereof was included in the sub-licence fee unless a customer asked specifically for a separate invoice .
30 Namibia was included in the list of least developed countries ( LDCs ) through the unanimous adoption of Resolution 45/198 on Dec. 21 , bringing the number back to 42 .
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