Example sentences of "was prepare [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By 1928 some of the Party was prepared for the radical change of tactics authorized by the Sixth Comintern Congress .
2 The package , called Catholic Connections to Media Literacy , was prepared for The Catholic Communication Campaign of the United States Catholic Conference in collaboration with the National Catholic Educational Association .
3 But she was set free as a report was prepared for the Irish Director of Public Prosecutions .
4 Later she was to think how little she was prepared for the simple events which were to change her life completely — indeed she would have said that so much had happened to her already that any further incidents must be minor , a judgement which could not have been more faulty .
5 The report was prepared for the United Nations in advance of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro scheduled for 1992 .
6 And I made up my mind — " Now Mary Edgar you 'll be terribly sea-sick , " so I was prepared for the worst .
7 If she was prepared for the worst then , God willing , it would n't happen .
8 The findings were documented in a report A Place For All Our Children ( CCUF 1983 ) and an analysis was prepared of the practical and bureaucratic problems in gaining an ordinary childcare place for a child with special needs , with suggestions for how these might be overcome .
9 Erm in connection with erm with reference to the York area housing strategy , again , there is a simple explanation , in that that that document was prepared before the current work on the City of York draft local plan , had progressed to a stage at which members had considered housing sites , and a number of sites in City Council ownership erm within the city , covering some four hundred dwellings have now been agreed by the City Council members as coming forward over the planned period for affordable housing , and in the case of two of those sites it actually requires sites to be taken out of use as public car parks , to bring them forward for development , and that is why the eleven hundred figure is actually reduced now to a seven hundred .
10 The Tyne and Wear Structure Plan was prepared in the late 1970s and finalized in 1980 .
11 The vehicle solution was prepared in the same manner .
12 BSO was prepared by the International Federation for Documentation with the support of Unesco , and was published in 1978–79 .
13 Plasmid DNA for ethidium bromide-CsCl equilibrium density gradient centrifugation and for rapid small scale isolation was prepared by the alkaline lysis method .
14 Whereas developments in Guam took those involved in the abortion debate by surprise , the anti-abortion legislation passed in Idaho was prepared by the National Right to Life Committee with the specific intention of forcing the Supreme Court to re-examine the remaining aspects of Roe v. Wade .
15 The first meeting was usually convened by the Treasury in order to discuss the general scope of the study ; thereafter the work of the report was prepared by the particular department concerned , and submitted to the appropriate Cabinet committee .
16 A planned tutorial programme was prepared by the senior mistress , head of house and the child 's tutor to raise the awareness of the children in the tutor group .
17 Based on these components , a draft report on the department was prepared by the Senior Management Team and presented to the Head of Department .
18 Paul Stern , the vice-president of the Vienna Bridge Club , soon invited her to join the Austrian Ladies ' Team , which was preparing for the first European Women 's Teams Championship to be held in Brussels in 1935 .
19 The allegations broke on Tuesday as Jackson was preparing for the first of two concerts in Bangkok , the first stop in the Asian swing of his Dangerous world tour .
20 And by early autumn , Mr Major was preparing for the worst — and yesterday he delivered it in a statement to the Commons .
21 Today the Gloucestershire Echo was preparing for the worst .
22 ‘ Orders were orders ! ’ he roared , looking darkly at the friar , before going on to regale both him and the horses with an account of the meal his poor wife was preparing for the coming Sunday .
23 By 1934 the Labour Party was Preparing for the next election and the delegates at Southport resisted the attempts of the Socialist League to change the programme For Socialism and Peace into a radical appeal for a rapid transformation to socialism .
24 Practical support , too , was given in a number of ways — for example , the drawing office helped produce Mujadid 's maps and charts , while Roger Tucker 's exploration team in LASMO North Sea helped out with data logs , a base map and technical guidance for a project he was preparing on the Inner Moray firth .
25 Its purpose was to prepare for the coming struggle between good order under a monarchy , and the revolutionary socialism of the sort to which republics often sink-until , that is , conditions deteriorate to the point where people are ready to revolt against the system and return to the rule of an even more powerful dictator .
26 The synagogue was administered by a council of ‘ elders ’ who appointed a ‘ ruler ’ whose duty it was to prepare for the daily services and provide some general supervision .
27 My first real task was to prepare for the next meeting of the Accidents Investigation Division of ICAO in Montreal .
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