Example sentences of "was publish [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In response to a commission from the Department of Trade and Industry to prepare a guide designed to assist companies exploring for minerals in Great Britain , Mineral exploration for metalliferous and related minerals in Britain : a guide was published during the year .
2 The Department commissioned the Group to prepare Mineral exploration for metalliferous and related minerals in Britain : a guide , which was published during the year .
3 Early in 1976 my book was published under the title of A Presumption of Innocence and the reviews were unanimous in calling for action .
4 Recently a volume of stories about sex was published under the title Macho Sluts , clearly intended among other things as a reclamation of the word slut ( and of the promiscuous sexuality it denotes ) .
5 In 1987 a pamphlet , prepared by the Treasury Solicitor 's Department in conjunction with the Management and Personnel Office of the Cabinet Office , was published under the title The Judge Over Your Shoulder .
6 The best known ( to sociologists ) of the surveys conducted with this sample was published as The Home and the School , by J.W.B. Douglas , in 1964 ; 4 , 195 of the children were found still to be living in England and Wales , and 3,418 of these ( 81.5 per cent ) were tested for various aspects of intelligence at the ages of eight and eleven .
7 This was published as The design of dwellings ( 1944 ) .
8 A collection of her work , Poems Moral and Entertaining ( 1789 ) , was published for the benefit of charities in Bath and Gloucester and of Sunday schools in Tetbury .
9 As late as 1812 , this view was articulated by Dr. Samuel Farr whose book , Elements of Medical Jurisprudence , was published for the benefit of coroners and courts of law .
10 Richard Cecil dealt with this in a sermon that in its day was much admired and was published with the title , A Friendly Visit to the House of Mourning :
11 The resulting account of their experience in secondary school was published with the title All Our Future ( Douglas 1968 ) .
12 The work was published with the approbations of Christian scholars , including the celebrated Jean Buxtorf the younger , a new departure by Jewish authors of a Hebrew book .
13 The best story appeared in the Guardian and was published on the day that London Fashion Week began .
14 Still more important is the implementation of the draft constitution which was published on the eve of the referendum .
15 Despite the dateline , our 10 April issue was published on the Tuesday before the election .
16 Christabel LaMotte wrote this long and very convoluted poem about Melusina 's story in the 1860s and it was published at the beginning of the 1870s .
17 A splendid science weekly called Modern Wonder was published at the time .
18 The reviews of each separate quartet had on the whole been favourable and when the complete edition of Four Quartets was published at the end of October , there was general assent about his achievement .
19 A new edition of the School Register was published at the end of the year , once again prepared by two prefects , this time M.R.J. Bestley and R. Hamilton .
20 This book has had to be reprinted as the original which was published at the end of November 1991 was withdrawn owing to an injunction issued by Sheik Zayed bin Sultan at Nahayan the Ruler of Abu Dhabi .
21 Encouraged by US officials , on his return to Moscow he worked with Gorbachev 's economic adviser Yevgeny Primakov to draft an open letter to the G-7 leaders which was published at the end of May , proposing the co-ordination of a plan of Soviet economic reform with a G-7 programme of economic assistance .
22 It was published at the end of 1944 and had far less political impact than his report .
23 Rolfe 's first thesis listing was published at the end of 1970 , and it would not be unreasonable to suggest that the numbers of consultations increased due to the availability of this new bibliographical source .
24 Collaboration with the RTPI led to an agreed statement on design control which was published by the DoE as an annex to revised Planning Policy Guidance Note 1 .
25 A book , British Sign language a beginners Guide , by Dorothy Miles , a deafened writer , poetess and actress with close links with the FDA , was published by the BBC contemporaneously and proved a great success .
26 The first stage of a major study of students embarking on law careers was published by the Society 's Research and Policy Planning Unit .
27 The result — an outline of public spending limits for the next financial year — was published by the Chancellor , together with the economic forecast , as an ‘ Autumn Statement ’ .
28 Looking to the medium term , a key consultation paper was published by the Race Relations Committee , proposing a series of anti-discrimination and equal opportunities measures for all firms .
29 The chips , offering upwards binary compatibility with preceding generations , will adhere to the Sparc V9 specification that was published by the Sparc International supporters club last year .
30 CRAY AT CHIPPEWA FALLS was published by the company to mark its fifteenth anniversary in 1987 .
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