Example sentences of "was due [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This was due again in the newly found ability to run with reduced batch size .
2 Pledges to check expenditure were not kept ; indeed , it continued to rise , as did the district rate , a fact that was conveniently blamed on the unfortunate legacy of labour 's investment programme , but was due rather to the desire of the Alliance to extend municipal enterprise and trading , particularly in tram-ways and electricity .
3 This was due both to the general reduction in the level of retail sales growth and to fashion market reversal in demand for products made from jersey fabric .
4 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
5 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
6 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
7 During the formative years of cultural studies in Britain ‘ textualism ’ was dominant , but the growing disenchantment with its Althusserian paradigm ( of which the Screen/Screen Education division was just one sign ) was due largely to the inability of that paradigm to inform a criticism of telling political intervention .
8 The fact that the restaurant was successful was due largely to the way in which their respective talents complemented each other .
9 The success of Hornby 's invention was due largely to the principle of gradation from simple sets to others , larger with more complicated mechanisms .
10 This was due largely to the symbolic hegemony of the court aristocracy in defining Viennese bourgeois identity .
11 The growth of the bill mountain in the first half of the 1980s was due largely to the policy of overfunding the PSBR — that is , selling more public sector debt to the non-bank private sector than was needed to match the size of the PSBR .
12 was due wholly to the negligence or wrongful act of a government or other authority in exercising its function of maintaining lights or other navigational aids .
13 His belief that it was fusion was due primarily to the heat , but he also told Bullough that since October there was some evidence in Utah that neutrons were being produced too .
14 It has been said that the failure of this railway to attract passengers was due primarily to the tedious roundabout rail journey to Newtown via Abermule as compared with the direct and cheaper approach to the market town by bus .
15 This was due mainly to the very high value of sterling against other currencies .
16 Now , she judged , his informal look was due only to the casual style of his clothes , a linen jacket in a beige loose-weave designed to set off his sexy tan , and a sort of hand-spun silk T-shirt emphasising the solid muscle underneath .
17 This was due entirely to the ferocious efforts of Gloucester , no lovers of Bath , whose idea of a welcome last month was to treat their visitors rather like a doormat .
18 Held , that in the opinion of the court , ( 1 ) a stay for delay or any other reason was to be imposed only in exceptional circumstances ; that , even where delay could be said to be unjustifiable , the imposition of a permanent stay was to be the exception rather than the rule ; and that even more rarely could a stay properly be imposed in the absence of fault on the part of the complainant or the prosecution , and never where the delay was due merely to the complexity of the case or contributed to by the defendant 's actions ( post , pp. 18H — 19A ) .
19 Then Mrs Hollidaye told Dot about Loopy Lil , about the dogs and the hens , and about her son whose ship was due home from the Pacific any day now .
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