Example sentences of "was cause by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Oh ! ’ was caused by a flash of insight ; it seemed like an answer to the prayer I had not prayed , the prayer I had only thought .
2 There was a certain bitter anger in his voice , but it was obvious that it was caused by a tenderness for his grandmother .
3 The situation was caused by a conflict between the Peugeot Talbot and Citroën accounts , which has bedevilled the Euro RSCG merger from the start .
4 But firemen confirmed the blast at 3.42am was caused by a gas leak from a water heater .
5 Fire chiefs said the explosion , at 3.40 a.m. , was caused by a gas leak from a water heater .
6 Detailed geophysical investigations in the most anomalous area identified a large induced polarisation anomaly between Borland Glen and Coul Burn , which diamond-core drilling showed was caused by a zone of altered and pyritised volcanic rocks .
7 Ferguson knows his flop in the title race was caused by a goal drought and he said : ‘ We needed a shake-up .
8 According to a spokesman in the museum , the leak was caused by a blockage of the drainage system which , despite regular checks , had become clogged up after strong winds the previous week .
9 A major difficulty the divers faced was caused by a lack of valves .
10 Saying scurvy was caused by a lack of vitamin C was just a blind , put about by doctors and nutritionists who ought to know better .
11 By far the most devastation was caused in Coleraine on October 30 last , when £14m damage was caused by a car bomb that left a swathe of the town centre in ruins .
12 This was caused by a combination of a very strong gust and the fact that no one was keeping the nose down while the glider was being towed into wind .
13 Many improvements have been made since Hillsborough , which was caused by a combination of factors .
14 But he said the problem was caused by a staff shortage :
15 A doctor from the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital who treated Mr Hoad at the time said the spiral fracture of the arm was caused by a rotation force , a twisting of the arm .
16 ‘ The accident was caused by a loss of pitch control following the in-flight separation of the right hand horizontal stabiliser and elevator … . ’
17 The fire at Reay Court , Borough Road , was caused by a cooker grill and the flames spread to the dining room .
18 The family alleged that her death was caused by a police-officer who pushed her over ; the police denied that this had occurred .
19 The problem was caused by a fault at an electricity sub-station .
20 For a claim to be recoverable the Policyholder must satisfy us that on the balance of probabilities the loss or damage sustained was caused by a peril insured against .
21 Lucille 's despondency was caused by a fear of Sharpe 's death , not a British defeat , but she dared not articulate such a thought .
22 It is very important to be sure that the wreckage of the whole aircraft is present in case the accident was caused by a piece breaking off in flight and falling possibly a mile or two away .
23 The scare was caused by a report which showed that cavers were sometimes being exposed to levels of radiation , in the form of radon , up to 800 times the official safety limit in homes .
24 The report was believed to have concluded that the crash was caused by a bomb carried on board by a Congolese national , Appolinaire Managatany , an opponent of the Congolese government , and , moreover , that Managatany had close links with the Libyan leader , Col. Moamer al Kadhafi , and the head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) , Ahmed Jabril .
25 Robson , snapped up on a free transfer from West Ham last season , added : ‘ I 've had to be very careful because the trouble was caused by a virus infection .
26 The burden of proof is on the plaintiff to establish that the product was defective , that the injury was caused by that defect , and that the injury was caused by the manufacturer 's lack of reasonable care .
27 The second fire occurred inside the concrete casing covering the damaged reactor and was caused by the ignition of a wooden structure in the ventilation circuit .
28 More concern was caused by the abolition of free trade unionism in the GCHQ security establishment at Cheltenham ; this appeared to equate trade unionism with disloyalty , even treason .
29 This , he had eventually decided , was caused by the diversity of his present academic work , which was especially taxing in that one of his university duties was a daily round of language-teaching at the local high school , the Pädagogium .
30 The basic argument of this tradition was that revolution was caused by the machinations of secret societies , who used their knowledge of occult forces to undermine authority and the stability of governments .
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