Example sentences of "was at [art] low [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This suggests that the expression was at a low level .
2 Your fish responded by exhibiting classic stress-related ailments — viral , bacterial and fungal problems , which only became evident when their natural defence mechanism was at a low ebb .
3 Guy Mountfort next persuaded Bangladesh , despite the fact that the country was at a low ebb due to the recent war , to allocate part of the Sunderbans , the marshes of the Ganges Delta , as a tiger reserve .
4 At a time when the credit of the legal profession was at a low ebb , the duty solicitor scheme could be advanced as practical evidence of its commitment to the theory of community service ( Hillyard 1975 , p.6 ) .
5 However it would be correct to say that the application of natural justice was at a low ebb prior to the decision of the House of Lords in Ridge v. Baldwin .
6 These are a relic of the independent existence of Medieval Serbia when this territory was of great importance in the Balkan Peninsula at a time when the Byzantine Empire was at a low ebb .
7 Of the remaining three , George Canning , the future prime minister , was only briefly ambassador in Lisbon in 1814 – 15 , when his political career at home was at a low ebb ; and the two others , Robert Liston and Stratford Canning , represented Britain in Constantinople , a very important post but one in which high social rank was not the advantage it was in the other great capitals .
8 Five years ago Vauxhall was losing money hand over fist and relations between management and workers was at a low ebb .
9 Basic research on petrochemicals was at a low ebb around 1980 .
10 Most British Prime Ministers and party leaders have gradually lost popularity over time and retired when their reputation was at a low point .
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