Example sentences of "was a [noun] [prep] light " in BNC.

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1 They were nowhere in sight as I went through to the dining car , and Filmer seemed to have gone straight to his room , as there was a thread of light shining along the bottom of his door ; but Daffodil , I discovered , had after all not .
2 There was a bit of light , now my eyes had adjusted to it , from distant street-lamps I suppose .
3 Before that , on their left , was a speck of light that did n't come from ditch or cutting , but from the tunnel so laboriously bored , and whose end John 's sappers had now finally opened .
4 There was a bar of light under his own door .
5 William saw the man lean back , one shoulder dropping slightly , then there was a flash of light which seemed to blind him and a searing pain .
6 Again , as on the previous occasion , there was a chink of light from Marius Steen 's bedroom .
7 Suddenly , there was a chink of light at the end of what had previously looked like a dead-end tunnel .
8 There was a line of light in the distance .
9 The night was a chiaros-curo of light and dark , moon and flame , steel and shadow , and the Rorim resounded with screams and shouts , the clash of metal , the crack of bone and thud of flesh .
10 There was a patch of light from the lancet window making a pattern on the floor of the chapel .
11 All at once there was a shaft of light from the doorway .
12 The child 's face was serene and beautiful ; there was the outline of a pillow , a coverlet , but the rest of the background was a blur of light .
13 There was an explosion of light .
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