Example sentences of "looked towards [art] door " in BNC.

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1 They now looked towards the door through which the young fellow was making a hurried exit , and , somewhat impatiently , Aggie said , ‘ Come along with you , come along , ’ and led the way through yet another door and into a passageway , and so into a square hall from which a stairway rose .
2 Ah ’ — she looked towards the door — ‘ there is the signal for tea .
3 At last , there was a cry of ‘ Silence ! ’ , and everyone looked towards the door .
4 She paused and looked towards the door with eyes fogged by sleep .
5 The blob looked towards the door , and as the flash emerged further into the hallway another blob drifted out behind it .
6 Grainne raised herself cautiously on one elbow , trying not to wake Raynor , and looked towards the door .
7 She spoke hopefully and looked towards the door like an eager gun dog , ears pricked for the command to retrieve .
8 My master looked towards the door .
9 The Franciscan felt the hair on the back of his neck stir as he looked towards the door .
10 The servant looked towards the door to make sure there was no one standing there .
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