Example sentences of "able to assess the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This time , without even the zest of being able to assess the success of his recipes from the quantities consumed or left on plates , it seemed to Auguste a sorry place indeed .
2 More elaborate models as outlined by Gross ( 1982 ) are able to assess the consequences of proposed land-use and transportation policies ( figure 7.2 ) .
3 In a case in which a solicitor is privately instructed , the solicitors would , of course , be able to assess the profit costs and if counsel had been engaged then , of course , the brief fee and other fees would have been agreed in advance of the hearing .
4 To do this he must first be able to assess the teeth by feeling them thoroughly and , to make this possible , Tom always uses a gag .
5 by gaining familiarity with one or more segments , he is more likely to be able to assess the response from them , which is an invaluable asset for planning purposes .
6 The physiotherapist must be able to assess the patient 's needs , both overall and from session to session , in order to define an effective rehabilitation programme and to set him realistic goals .
7 The voter has to be able to assess the benefits from public spending ( typically ex ante ) and to form a view of the implications for taxation .
8 Surely in this fictional consultation the child 's own general practitioner would be able to assess the child and administer inhaled or oral steroid as effectively , if not more effectively , than a busy house officer in a casualty department ?
9 For the understanding of social and economic developments in the USSR , it is vital to be able to assess the reliability of official Soviet statistics .
10 Does he agree that if the distribution of Government grant were seen to be fair , local residents would not only be able to assess the performance of local authorities but would begin to see that our new council tax is a far better deal than the uncosted return to the rates — or , even worse , the uncosted local income tax — proposed by the Opposition parties ?
11 Ideally , the purchaser would prefer to leave the risk of bad debts with the vendor , after all , the vendor is the person best able to assess the position .
12 I also think it 's a question of being able to provide , certainly at the top of a company , a sense of direction and I find it hard to see how you can have an absolutely clear sense of direction unless you yourself are able to assess the essentials as you see them for success in your particular trade .
13 Conversely , where the futures markets are used purely for hedging purposes or by sophisticated investors who are able to assess the risks they are taking and to integrate those risks into an overall investment strategy , there is less need for stringent regulation .
14 The student will be able to assess the tourist qualities of a destination , including accessibility , amenities and attractions , and its suitability for various client types .
15 The learner benefits from the extra supervision and teaching , and the tutor is able to assess the student 's progress in practical skills .
16 Thus , we are able to assess the impact of redundancy and unemployment on a group for whom these were rare if not entirely new occurrences .
17 At the same time , he will be able to assess the impact on a firm of a change in its marketing strategy , for example a change from sales to production subsidiaries abroad .
18 By performing this examination , the doctor is able to assess the nature and consistency of any vaginal discharge and take samples for microscopic and cultural analysis .
19 Today , however , there is a much greater realisation that the quality of the data is important to their precision and quantification and , in this regard , it is important to be able to assess the validity and the reliability of those data by understanding the nature of the collection instrument itself , the biases that it is heir to , and the kinds of instrumental corruptions that can affect the quality of the material it provides .
20 Last week , John Wright , another CEGB witness , warned that it would be at least another decade before the board would be able to assess the potential of renewable and alternative energy sources .
21 THEATREGOERS will be able to assess the potential of the Klondyke Building as a venue for grand opera when four performances of Bernstein 's West Side Story will be performed there by Opera Northern Ireland this week .
22 But we 'll be able to assess the extent of the damage to the plane , with luck locate this ticking monster and with even greater luck try to free it .
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