Example sentences of "gaze [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It should have calmed her , gazing down at the burbling river , should have helped her to think about the problem uppermost in her mind ; but it was impossible to concentrate , knowing that he was close by .
2 He paused only the once , gazing down at the burnt meat that had been his friend and comrade for so long .
3 For Jack , time seemed to stand still as he sat at his stepfather 's bedside , gazing down into the inanimate features and waiting for a miracle .
4 She did not want to look at him , and crossed to stand before the mantel over the fireplace , gazing down into the empty grate .
5 Could you repeat the bit about the insect-headed aliens gazing down from the spinning globules of light ?
6 They gazed down at the innocent football being kicked back and forth against the wall outside , the thwack of the ball booming in the street amongst the traffic noise .
7 Allowing herself a moment of pity , Theodora gazed down at the vulnerable sleeping figure .
8 The oriental gazed down at the broken body of his defeated enemy .
9 In an uncomfortable silence Nathaniel Sherman and the others gazed down at the dead buffalo cow .
10 The Sphinx of Giza gazed down at the red velvet couch .
11 I gazed down at the reclining form .
12 There was a lump in her throat as she gazed down on the gaunt features .
13 He walked to the window and gazed down through the net curtains .
14 There was a second figure , which they did n't see : high above them , Timothy Gedge gazed down from the cliff-top path .
15 Her tattered shirt and ancient denims in no way detracted from her tall decorum as she gazed down upon the squat clerical figure .
16 Cornelius gazed in through the front window of Molly 's Wholefoods .
17 They reached Airman 's Grave and paused together beside its perimeter wall , gazing in at the poignant tribute to one victim of a long-ago conflict , though not as long-ago , it occurred to Derek , as the conflict which had recently extended its crabbed old hand to touch their lives .
18 From the third floor offices of the NME you could gaze down on the clueless hordes below .
19 Jane gazed up at the towering bulk .
20 Tuppe gazed up at the crumbling façade .
21 She straightened her shoulders and gazed up at the unremitting blue of the sky .
22 Robyn gazed up at the billowing white clouds and a longing for Luke 's touch , unlike anything she had ever felt before , overwhelmed her completely — her whole being ached with the desire to be held in his arms , to feel the strength and comfort and warmth of his body close to hers .
23 Fitzormonde gazed up at the cruel gargoyle faces on the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula .
24 In the thirty-foot-long , dark-panelled bedroom , she lay upon the Jacobean four-poster bed and gazed up at the crimson brocade canopy .
25 She sat quite still , the little book in her lap and gazed up at the pale candle flame , hardly seeing it , so busy was her inward eye upon the scenes that had held her in thrall for two hours or more .
26 Gazed up at the clear evening sky and slouched away without his coat .
27 She climbed out of the ‘ speeder and gazed up at the darkening sky .
28 Robyn gazed up into the strong , compelling face .
29 Gazing up at the kindly , apple-cheeked face smiling down at him , Hilary suddenly made up his mind .
30 He 'd mounted , turned the animal in a circle , gazing up at the sheer , wet cliffs .
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