Example sentences of "specimen were [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 Surgical resection specimens were obtained from the Department of Surgery at the Steglitz Medical Center immediately after their removal .
2 Standard duplicate biopsy specimens were taken from the proximal limb , the anterior wall , the posterior wall , and the body of the reservoir .
3 Biopsy specimens were taken from the sigmoid colon ( about 20 cm from the anus ) of 28 patients with ulcerative colitis ( mean age , 35 years ; range , 15–59 years ; 10 men and 18 women ) and 23 controls without ulcerative colitis ( mean age , 52 years ; range , 20–73 years ) who underwent sigmoidoscopy because of suspected non-inflammatory bowel disease .
4 Six mucosal biopsy specimens were taken from the antrum and four from both the corpus and fundus of the stomach .
5 Antral biopsy specimens were taken from the lesser and greater curvature , approximately 2 cm from the pylorus .
6 In patients without focal abnormalities , specimens were taken from the roof , the floor , the anterior , and the posterior wall of the bulb .
7 After inspection of the upper gastrointestinal tract , two biopsy specimens were taken from the greater curvature of the antrum , 2 cm from the pylorus .
8 Two adjacent biopsy specimens were taken from the terminal ileum , the ileocaecal valve , and from eight different sites in the colon .
9 Finally , in a few patients treated with Asacol ( n=2 ) , Claversal 500 mg tablets ( n=2 ) , Salazopyrine ( n=2 ) , and Claversal 250 mg tablets ( n=1 ) additional biopsy specimens were taken from the ileum , sigmoid , and rectum .
10 After flushing with ice cold saline , 1 cm specimens were taken from the beginning of the segment in all cases , fixed in Bouin 's solution , embedded in paraffin wax , cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis , and stained with haematoxylin and eosin .
11 Mucosal oxyntic biopsy specimens were taken from the same defined area and tissues were processed in the same way as in the present study .
12 At endoscopy , an average of two biopsy specimens were taken from the anterior and posterior walls of the first part of the duodenum , and immediately fixed in a solution of 10% formalin/ saline .
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