Example sentences of "transition [prep] [noun] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their pale flesh in that wreckage made her shiver ; it stirred morbid thoughts of the fragile membrane retaining blood inside the body , the tender transitions between limb and limb , the throbbing larval transparency of scientific diagrams showing the foetal development of … infant salmon , infant monkeys , infant anything .
2 This has introduced a qualitatively new circumstance that was not operating when today 's First World countries were making their transitions to industrialization and urbanization ( see Leopold , 1985 ) .
3 Within this framework , Charnov deals with sex ratios in dioecious species ( those having separate sexes ) , with the order and timing of sex change in sequential hermaphrodites , with the equilibrium allocation of resources for simultaneous hermaphrodites , with conditions favouring the transition between dioecy and hermaphroditism , and with the selective forces likely to alter the allocation to male versus female function ( such as local mate and local resource competition ) .
4 This means that for many of its black speakers as well as virtually all its white speakers , the London variety of Creole is something like a second language or dialect , learnt around the time of transition between childhood and adolescence .
5 The botanical gardens are bare and there are few signs of the famous flower festival exhibitions in the cold grey wet transition between winter and spring : on the four days I was there it rained every day , finally removing the last traces of soot-encrusted snow from the pavements but leaving everything streaked with a post-winter dampness .
6 These periods of low-voltage sleep were called " emergent stage I " because subjects were not as easily roused as from " ordinary " sleep onset Stage I sleep , and because , being continuous with deeper stages of sleep , these periods of light sleep were obviously not a transition between wakefulness and sleep , in the way that sleep onset Stage I seemed to be .
7 Surely that makes the transition between home and school a rather traumatic one ?
8 Surely that makes the transition between home and school a rather traumatic one ?
9 Men were sometimes on the beat twenty-one out of twenty-four hours during the transition between day and night duty .
10 A port replicator , which facilitates quick transition between mobile and desktop use for both ThinkPad 700 and new ThinkPad 720 users , was also introduced .
11 Ensure that children and young people with learning disabilities have a smoother transition into adulthood and adult service networks .
12 The data will be used for research on a range of topics including the effectiveness of secondary schools , local authority differences , parental choice of schooling , the problems of rural sparsely populated areas , the school curriculum , the transition from school and entry into the labour market or further education , and the effect of policy initiatives such as the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative , the Youth Training Scheme and Scottish National Certificate .
13 As a time of transition from autarchy and isolation to developmentalist capitalism and international rapprochement , the 1950s in Spain were a time of ambiguity and uncertainty , in which the first signs of a limited degree of liberalism became visible at the same time as the use of the customary repression made it clear that nothing fundamental had changed .
14 The transition to democracy and market economies will call for much patience and persistence .
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