Example sentences of "distinguish [pron] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If he was thus eligible for that title , there must have been something which qualified him — something which distinguished him from the numerous other leaders , both military and political , who at the time were themselves becoming thorns in the Roman side .
2 Finally , she left for the airfield in a pale-green safari suit , which marked her a soldier 's wife but distinguished her from the lesser spouses .
3 This he derisively referred to as ‘ sociologism ’ and distinguished it from the true activity of sociology , the study of social action .
4 Ahead of us the tall pines that stretch out across the frozen plain of Estonia distinguished themselves from the snow-coated sky and earth .
5 Whereas in Los Angeles I manipulated costly hot and cold water in appropriate vessels throughout the house , Bali is a network of streams and rivers which , like veins and arteries , must be distinguished one from the other for their various uses .
6 In adopting this chic mode of expression , the nouveau riche was effectively distinguishing itself from the traditional middle classes while at the same time flaunting the fact that it had connoisseurship and taste .
7 The control exercised by Mosca 's ‘ ruling class ’ is held to be assured by the organisational capacity of the ruling minority : this is the basis of their power and the characteristic that best distinguishes them from the disorganised and powerless majority .
8 The answer is that this third human state has a special feature that distinguishes it from the other two ( the inner and the outer states ) in that it is a zone for cultural experience or creative playing .
9 It is the overdetermined character of the materialist dialectic that distinguishes it from the Hegelian dialectic .
10 The fact that it aims to provide a systematic account of time use is what distinguishes it from the literary diary .
11 It is the ability of love to transform in this way that , in Tillich 's view , distinguishes it from the Buddhist concept of compassion .
12 And since the effect would be to put off the catastrophe indefinitely , since Capitalism could now continue by reason of policies which provided also a solution to the problem of unemployment , Empirical Socialism need no longer distinguish itself from the Marxist version solely by the method and pace of change , by being evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
13 The label draws attention to three important developments which distinguish it from the early Romanov State .
14 The colours are bright and are called fluorescent to distinguish them from the normal opaque colours in the usual felt-tip pens .
15 Nothing , other than ownership and the secret garden , appears to distinguish them from the other tenants around them .
16 But when they took over the firm they were always called " Mister " to distinguish them from the other captains , perhaps .
17 The kind of norms we are concerned with here are sometimes called community norms in order to distinguish them from the superordinate norms that I have mentioned , and I shall suggest below that a major difference between superordinate and community norms is that , whereas ‘ standard ’ norms are uniform , community norms are sometimes more aptly described as variable norms .
18 While we have examined Oakeshott as a conservative thinker therefore we must be careful to distinguish him from the religious conservatism of Burke and from the mainstream forms of conservatism which Huntington identified in the aristocratic and situational theories as ideological defences of the ancien régime or of established institutions .
19 We call him ‘ gangling Chang ’ to distinguish him from the other Changs , because he is tall , thin , loose-limbed , and is ready to laugh about anything , although it appears he has some family problems in that his wife is away and his baby son is ill .
20 We 'll refer to these as hostiles , to distinguish 'em from the ordinary members , who all wear them fancy coloured robes an' do n't present any threat at all .
21 This evolutionary driving force was dubbed ‘ kin selection ’ , to distinguish it from the additional ( and inevitable ) shaping of an individual 's own reproductive efforts by natural selection .
22 The reason is that these colleges agreed to be pilots for a new form of subject assessment described as ‘ intensive ’ to distinguish it from the usual sampling method by which visits take place .
23 Doctors call this reaction chronic inflammation to distinguish it from the immediate , acute reaction or injury or allergy .
24 This is not to deny that it is an intelligent reaction , and that the sense of when to trust the analogy between present and former situations is in some individuals very intelligent indeed , but there is nothing in that to distinguish it from the other insights and hunches by which we instantaneously synthesize similarities and differences too fine and complex to be analysed before a change in the situation obliterates them .
25 The ratio is said to be a matter of ‘ commercial prudence ’ and is said to be ‘ non-mandatory ’ to distinguish it from the possible alternative , namely , that the ratio be written into banking law .
26 In WORDWISE + , if the user presses the f1 key and types in , at the beginning of the document LM10 ( this appears in green letters to distinguish it from the actual text )
27 But it is still too early to be certain , and the jury must remain out until there is sufficient evidence of a true change of heart to distinguish it from the earnest gestures of political expediency .
28 In particular , he reversed his previous position that Greece would recognize Macedonia if it adopted a prefix to distinguish it from the northern Greek province of Macedonia .
29 The index set defined first is known as the prime index , to distinguish it from the alternate indexes .
30 The use of the New Style calendar ( to distinguish it from the Old Style , or Julian , calendar ) was ordered by Pope Gregory XIII on 24 February 1582 .
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