Example sentences of "capable [prep] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ the actual words are clear and unambiguous it is not permissible to have recourse to the corresponding provisions in the earlier statute repealed by the consolidation Act and to treat any difference in their wording as capable of casting doubt upon what is clear and unambiguous language in the consolidation Act itself . ’
2 The major rule applying is that generally most predators will attack only fish smaller than themselves , although some large mouthed predators such as lionfish and large groupers are capable of swallowing prey of almost their own dimensions .
3 The prospect of his receiving deputations as Prime Minister from the Miners ' Federation or the Triple Alliance , for example , is capable of causing alarm for the future relations between the Government and Labour — between moderate and less moderate opinion .
4 And if I were to put it , If you have an opportunity of two sites and the development of one is capable of causing damage to existing characteristics and the other is not , would you go for the the one which would not cause damage rather than the one which would , or would you willy-nilly plump for either ?
5 Corinthian friendliness towards Athens lasted , as we have seen ( p. 16 ) , throughout the archaic period and into the classical , i.e. as long as Megara was an independent power , capable of causing trouble for both Corinth to the west and Athens to the east : Megara 's tyrant Theagenes helped Kylon try to become tyrant of Athens in the late seventh century and , in the early sixth , Megara fought Athens hard for possession of Salamis .
6 This arrangement was partly to help overcome a technical problem since Laura Ashley machinery was not capable of producing sheeting to the required width , and coordinated bed linen was a must for American designers .
7 Salter told the inquiry how his ‘ bobbing duck ’ device — a duck-shaped canister which , when installed in lines out to sea , would continually extract energy from the waves — had at that time ( 1982 ) been officially estimated to be capable of producing electricity at about 5 pence per kilowatt hour ( p/kWh ) .
8 The best speech synthesisers are capable of producing speech of such high quality that only an expert can distinguish it from a recording of a human being 's speech ; less sophisticated synthesisers are becoming so cheap that they can now be bought for attaching to ordinary micro-computers .
9 It is the learning process itself which is capable of bringing power to those who feel themselves to be powerless , and galvanising them for action on their own terms .
10 This ruled out ( for example ) affective measures of attitude which might well also be capable of yielding insight into the individual 's degree of integration with the group .
11 However , in spite of remarks like these , Lakatos 's methodology is not capable of yielding advice for scientists , and Lakatos acknowledged this .
12 The stated aim of the programme was ‘ to improve the quality of mathematics teaching and to develop in each participating country a nucleus of people knowledgeable in Mathematics and capable of undertaking improvement of Mathematics curriculum ’ .
13 Consequently , these judgements are underrated , labelled ‘ subjective ’ and accorded less status than the numerically-quantifiable results of standard written tests , although they are capable of reflecting attainment with greater subtlety .
14 Despite its internal disorder , the ANC remains quite capable of spreading chaos to every corner of the land .
15 The principle underlying this treatment method is the certainty that the central nervous system is capable of recovering function despite being damaged : any lesion in the brain , such as a blood clot , only interferes with one part of the brain , while other parts of the brain , plus the spinal cord , are left undamaged .
16 Nevertheless they had not yet been superseded by new organizations capable of combining loyalty to the monarchy with the representation of the socially and economically powerful .
17 FFB plans to devise a business capable of controlling supply from the producer to the retailer .
18 Extradition — Committal proceedings — Evidence — Alleged accomplice 's statement before Swedish court implicating accused — Accomplice retracting statement in committal proceedings — Whether statement capable of forming basis for committal — Whether magistrate required to consider Swedish court 's jurisdiction — Extradition Act 1989 ( c. 33 ) , Sch .
19 An underwater turbine , capable of generating electricity from the rise and fall of the tides , is to be tested in Scotland .
20 For example , there is evidence to suggest that the ordinary child ( as opposed to the already emotionally disturbed child ) is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from fantasy situations .
21 Long before she left school , Clara discovered that whatever negligent indifference might greet her in the bosom of her family , she was capable of arousing strife in breasts other than those of Miss Haines and Mrs Hill .
22 We are looking for persons who can work both individually and in teams , and capable of conducting research from the definition of a project to the final writing up of the results .
23 Before the SIB will recognize an SRO as capable of bestowing authorization upon a firm , the organization must apply for a recognition order .
24 Agfa has just launched a network of nine bureau round the country and there are perhaps a further dozen individual set-ups currently operating , many as part of an existing desktop publishing bureau and so capable of providing assistance with the overall design of the presentation .
25 Meeting that need , while avoiding the conflict experienced south of the border , requires a thought-out educational strategy capable of providing unity in purpose .
26 Geophysics is capable of providing information on a regional scale , whereas geochemistry deals with events at the molecular level .
27 Even if one accepts that auditors are capable of providing information about business risks that is useful to investors and other parties , it is questionable whether the benefits of extending the auditor 's role in this direction are likely to outweigh the costs .
28 Against the arguments of writers such as Poulantzas , that the state is not an intrinsic entity , a subject capable of exercising power in its own right ( e.g. 1978 : 128 ) , she maintains that it is ‘ an organization-for-itself ’ ( Skocpol 1979 : 27 ) , which extracts resources from society and uses them to support coercive and administrative organizations .
29 However , when observed over long periods , many species are found to be generalist in that individuals of them are capable of taking advantage of ‘ specialist ’ interactions at any one time : the ‘ anachronisms ’ show this , as do the generalized pollinators on islands where plants have ‘ left their pollinators behind ’ , e.g. a cetoniid beetle , Mauseolopsis aldabrensis , visits 58% of all flowering species , native or introduced , of all colours and morphology , on the coral atoll of Aldabra off the African coast , but it shows a remarkably high degree of constancy in its foraging flights .
30 West Frankish dispute-settlements of the mid-ninth century show that lesser landholders were perfectly capable of taking evidence on board , considering it rationally and reaching recognisably fair conclusions ; also that they could distinguish between genuine verdicts and frauds .
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