Example sentences of "hand out [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We were then taken to have coffee and the school secretary handed out official forms for the parents to fill in .
2 Right next to him , Mr Doran was grinning maniacally as he handed out squishy tomatoes for the parishioners to throw at their young vicar , trapped in the ‘ stocks ’ .
3 ‘ And none o' them knows the secret o' the tunnel , ’ thought Aunt Clarabel happily as she led her followers back to the Jolly Jailer and handed out free drinks to all .
4 This is great news for those of us suffering from the triple affliction of myopia , vanity and an aversion to handing out vast amounts of cash .
5 But in the end I simply cashed my travellers " cheques and dodged the fuming puddles of Times Square handing out twenty-dollar bills to selected bums , whores , bagladies and time-cripples .
6 Arts Council officers are understood to be considering changing the practice of handing out separate information about the arts to the different political party conferences .
7 That weekend , Koreans were marching under peace banners , handing out free sodas on Vermont Avenue , trying to make a fresh start in community relations .
8 Customers clamour at the counter as thick as if they were handing out free tickets to Dublin .
9 Have you seen salespeople handing out free samples at public events without checking if the recipients smoke ?
10 OFF-LICENCES all over Ulster will be handing out free measures to customers next month — to help stop them getting sozzled on the sofa !
11 However , this does n't mean we should pretend to love everyone and everything , handing out pink roses to passers-by in a sentimental haze .
12 The government 's Relief and Rehabilitation Commission is handing out weekly rations to about 500 people camping around the local office .
13 Two of them favoured refugees ; their conditions of work had to be at least as good as those offered to British workers , and their employers had to provide real training as opposed to handing out menial jobs to what was essentially cheap labour .
14 While I have great sympathy for the doctors of twenty years or more ago who did not realise the addictive effect of such tablets when they began to prescribe them , I do not feel equal sympathy for those doctors ( fortunately their number is growing less ) who still hand out similar prescriptions to their patients and then fail to monitor their progress or to help them give up the medication as soon as possible .
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