Example sentences of "remind us [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The distinctive sloping pantile roof of the Chapel of Reconciliation came into view and soon we were descending stiffly from the coaches and joyfully into church to receive a special word of welcome from our Bishop , in which he reminded us of the purpose of a pilgrimage , together with our special intentions .
2 The oldest reminded us of the barge captain .
3 Much later in the books of Samuel we find another story concerning the ark which reminds us of the battle with the Philistines .
4 The table of the Nations in Genesis 10 reminds us of the map of Anaximander ; the Book of Job , probably an exilic work , has often been compared with Aeschylus ' Prometheus .
5 The word ‘ fatuous ’ reminds us of the title , meaning idiotic — Owen then asks the reader , why did the sun 's rays labour over waking up earth ?
6 The technique by which in the fourth century B.C. the Chronicler rewrote and modernized the Books of Kings reminds us of the technique by which in the late fourth century Ephorus and Theopompus rewrote and modernized Herodotus and Thucydides .
7 Advent reminds us of the significance of God 's time .
8 Maybe part of the daisy 's popularity lies in its shape , a yellow disk fringed with white petals ( correctly ray-florets ) , a simple arrangement which reminds us of the sun .
9 It reminds us of the question : how does the term ‘ language-games ’ bring this into prominence ?
10 This not only reminds us of the existence of a non-state section of education ( which as we write in mid-1987 seems set only to increase in size ) , but also in drawing attention to the relations between the state and non-state sectors , points out features of the conditions under which the former operates that are frequently taken for granted .
11 It reminds us of the idea that , while we have carved up knowledge and put it into the hands of separate academic professions , ultimately all knowledge is bound up together .
12 The phrase reminds us of the conclusion to The Solitary Reaper :
13 Duncan reminds us of the antiquity of the propensity to quantify the doings of people in various ways .
14 And yet , although he was a scientific naturalist and although in frequent essays he reminds us of the insignificance and unimportance of man in the whole scheme of things , it 's plain that , from the beginning , and as I hope I shall be able to show you , right down to the end , he found something emotionally hard to bear , I was going to say , in fact , intolerable , in this situation .
15 It reminds us of the blackout and people are scared to go out once it gets dark .
16 The theme of the pack ‘ Tongues of Fire ’ immediately reminds us of the power of the Holy Spirit coming to the apostles at Pentecost and their going out to spread the gospel message fired up with enthusiasm and courage .
17 This nightmare of processing phantoms reminds us of the procession of daemons from Phaistos , which could have been seen in the sort of opium trance de Quincey described .
18 It reminds us of the adaptability of old people about which earlier comment has been made and suggests that the rigid divisions between the sexes in tending roles , although still powerful , may not be so impermeable as they sometimes appear .
19 The application of the verses to Jesus himself reminds us of the pattern of life of the Master .
20 If these variations remind us of the history of the Alps , then so much the better : we may find a better balance to the continuing battle between development and conservation .
21 How well they remind us of the purpose for which the ark has been fetched !
22 The words balance the earlier ‘ put ’ , and remind us of the truth .
23 And in that you er remind us of the view of the inspector that er this area has a strongly rural character .
24 And the prophet , Jeremiah he 'll remind us of the compassion of God .
25 But he does not remind us of the prophecy that hangs over them , or of the judgement pronounced by God upon the house of Eli .
26 History provides us with no guide as to how all this will work out , but it does remind us of the need for sensitivity when dealing with powerful social forces .
27 Camping holidays were always in the rain , but my parents would constantly remind us throughout the fortnight that the sun was ‘ trying to come out ’ .
28 The wildfire growth of the Boy Scouts serves to remind us of the enormity of the Edwardian era 's preoccupation with its youth , and the groundswell of not only national enthusiasm but also deep funds of social anxiety .
29 A recent pronouncement by a former Education Minister serves to remind us of the kind of thinking we must guard against .
30 The paradigm example to remind us of the conventionality of the relationship between meanings and perceptions is the case of expressions for colour , and this holds good even if we are willing to accept a case for the universality of certain focal points of colour perception . )
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