Example sentences of "remind me of [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My muscles are reminding me of this morning 's ride and the unaccustomed exercise … ’
2 As always our Treasurer 's final figures remind me of many people , incidents , and stories , and I only wish it was within my power to convey all these now .
3 Did that commingling of unrelated flavours remind me of another dish , or had it produced a breakthrough in gastronomy ?
4 The swirling shapes remind me of those kitsch 1960s lamps .
5 ‘ Good Lord , Sir John , ’ Athelstan murmured , ‘ I always thought St Erconwald 's was bad but , if ever I moan about it again , remind me of this church and I 'll keep my mouth shut . ’
6 It reminded me of that episode in Rudyard Kipling 's Kim where the boy is confronted with a shattered pot and comes under pressure to reconstruct it in his mind as it once was .
7 In the May issue of Latch On her article on knots reminded me of another tip — when using a length of yarn for a contrast marker ( on tension swatches or to mark the position for the sleeves , for example ) , make a small slip knot in the end of the yarn and place this on the needle .
8 It reminded me of those rooms they put guests in in horror movies — the sort where you know something horrible 's going to happen in the middle of the night .
9 Anyway , ‘ Butterfly Girl ’ always reminds me of that bit in The Wicker Man where Britt Ekland is naked and writhing and patting suggestively on Edward Woodward 's bedroom wall and singing a similarly spooky mantra .
10 At last , their order given , he took a sip of his very dry sherry and said , ‘ This reminds me of that evening we spent together in Bruges — except that your hair was done differently then , and you wore a deep-pink dress . ’
11 Your outlook reminds me of another saying : ‘ Where there 's muck , there 's brass . ’
12 Mentioning the white chromosome reminds me of another thing I wanted to say , because erm another variant of this incorrect criticism that people made of Darwin about blending , and you still hear this today , and people should know better , especially the social sciences , is , oh , single genes can not influence behaviour .
13 It reminds me of those half-houses which according to normal criteria of map reading should n't exist .
14 ‘ I suppose I might have expected you to remind me of that possibility ! ’
15 ‘ You need n't remind me of that fact , ’ she said cuttingly .
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