Example sentences of "vote [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the election of 1918 they could not bear it and both voted for the Labour Party .
2 Gallup Poll data showed that in these four elections , 79% or more of upper-middle-class voters and 69% or more of middle-class voters cast their votes for the Conservative party , while more than 50% of working-class and very poor voters voted for the Labour party .
3 When tonight those Tory MPs have all voted for the Prime Minister 's motion — for different and often conflicting reasons — the Prime Minister will claim that his motion has given him a mandate for Maastricht , when he stands for nothing at all .
4 Not only have the people never voted for the Prime Minister at the ballot box : they have consistently and persistently voted against him at the ballot box .
5 Almost all Protestants voted for the Unionist Party and Catholics either voted for nationalists or abstained .
6 One of its five members , Rabbi Eliezer Mizrahi , voted for the new government and another , Rabbi Averham Verdiger , abstained [ see p. 37392 ] .
7 Perhaps half of those who had previously voted for the middle-class parties now voted for the NSDAP .
8 About 60 per cent ignored accusations of womanising and voted for the 46-year-old governor of Arkansas , giving him a landslide win over President Bush .
9 Many former CD voters apparently voted for the Northern League , which — with the Lombardy League as its core — won 17 per cent in the north of Italy .
10 THE Danes voted for the same treaty yesterday that they rejected last June because they were misled by the media and politicians , claimed an East Anglian Tory Euro-rebel .
11 Tenison and thirteen of the bishops voted against the Occasional Conformity Bill in the Lords in December 1702 , playing a crucial role in defeating a measure which was lost by seventy-one votes to fifty-nine .
12 All the colleagues I have mentioned so far either abstained or voted against the Second Reading of the Maastricht Bill .
13 The reason why some of us have voted against the Second Reading and will vote against the guillotine is that , unless we put into effect this procedure of opposition , there is no proper way in which objections can be fairly and adequately considered .
14 Regrettably , we did not receive very much support because , in Committee , the Opposition voted against the major proposals in the Bill .
15 However , two other university members voted against the rural areas scheme although one of whom , Professor Ernest Barker , later became chairman of the Board 's Rural Areas Committee .
16 Two union members who had voted against the industrial action , reported for work .
17 Most Estonian nationalist deputies voted against the special powers , arguing that they were counterproductive .
18 In the Supreme Court 's ruling , the normally conservative Sandra Day O'Connor , the only female justice , voted with the liberal minority ; the decisive vote proved to be that of David Souter , Bush 's only appointee to the Court , whom abortion rights advocates had long suspected of harbouring anti-abortionist views .
19 Intensive consultations with ministers and the intervention of King Hussein , however , succeeded in overcoming most of their opposition , and only two Constitutional Bloc members ultimately voted with the Moslem Brotherhood .
20 A party congress was held on March 3-5 , 1989 , in Duisburg , where the so-called " realists " ( Realos ) were voted into the key posts [ see p. 36531 ] , reflecting the congress 's mood of seizing the opportunity to co-operate with the SPD .
21 Two million voted in the six republics that had formally declined to participate , among whom the level of support for the continued existence of the USSR was predictably very high .
22 The elections were thus marked by a high rate of abstention : only 38.89 per cent of the electorate voted in the first round and 33.38 per cent in the second .
23 American citizens voted in the mock election at the Paris watering hole over the past two weeks .
24 The Senate amendment provided that the right of EC citizens resident in France to vote in European and local elections would be covered by a law " voted in the same terms by both assemblies " , whereas the National Assembly under Article 45 of the Constitution could be asked by the government to " rule definitively " on legislation if the two houses could not agree .
25 Billy Johnson ( ‘ Look Forward in Anger ’ , 3 April , page 23 ) may have been ‘ fond of saying ’ that if they had n't induced his birth a day early he could have voted in the 1997 election , but then he would have been talking even more crap than the verbals Steve Platt so kindly recorded for us .
26 Only three republics ( Belorussia , Turkmenistan and Tajikistan ) eventually voted on the single question that had been proposed by the central authorities .
27 The Security Council voted on the same day to adopt Resolution 700 issuing guidelines to facilitate implementation of the international arms embargo against Iraq [ see p. 38165 ] .
28 Village elders voted at the lowest level instead of constituents and determined representatives to vote at the next highest level .
29 Since they would be stationed on inter-republican boundaries , the Supreme Soviet voted at the same time to work towards a definition of legal state borders with its neighbours by Feb. 1 , 1992 .
30 This was money voted by the Arab states in Baghdad in 1978 to confront the implications of Camp David and assist the inhabitants of the territories to stay put and be ‘ steadfast ’ .
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