Example sentences of "properly [prep] [art] first time " in BNC.

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1 Jinny remembered Bella 's words and understood them properly for the first time .
2 And for those few hours after she got home she found she could talk to her mother properly for the first time in over two years .
3 You gaze at each other properly for the first time .
4 Her mind was free to appreciate it properly for the first time .
5 Studying him now , dispassionately , without the emotional blindness of the aftermath of her accident , or the initial shock of finding that he was last night 's rescuer , it was like seeing him properly for the first time
6 Sighing , she swivelled round , looking at the cabin properly for the first time .
7 I remember he laughed and I noticed properly for the first time what a lovely blue his eyes were and a little thrill went through me .
8 Morse looked at her now — perhaps properly for the first time .
9 And now to a village where the church bells have been rung properly for the first time in twenty years .
10 A REVOLUTIONARY new Siberian surgery technique could help people in Teesside suffering from bone problems walk properly for the first time .
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