Example sentences of "settle down for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Formalities over , Patricia Pillmoor drew out a chair , pulled off her hat and settled down for a chat .
2 Had there been no — and certainly no just-arrived audience — It would have been utterly lovely to have taken the phone and settled down for a chat , to be inspired and encouraged as always by the love you offer your friends and by your own zest for life physical and things spiritual .
3 I gave it a wide berth and went to sit on the rug , but of course it had gone so I sat on one of the chairs instead , had a good long wash and settled down for a nap .
4 I set the alarm clock for a quarter to midnight , and settled down for a couple of hours sleep .
5 When the tables had been cleared and those who could do so had entertained the rest with songs and recitations , the whole company settled down for a sing-song .
6 Passengers actually changed into their pyjamas and settled down for the night bunks or convertible seat-beds complete with sheets and blankets .
7 An ironical cheer went up at this and we settled down for the night .
8 When the fire was out the hut grew cold and the two boys settled down for the night under their blankets .
9 Strung out along the shelf between hill and vale , with outposts covering every approach , the army settled down for the night .
10 We had a very impromptu meal which was brought out from somewhere near Bahrain because our landing area was in a small offshore sand strip where the Nos 55 and 84 Squadron aircraft ( also a Valentia from No 70 Squadron , which was our support aircraft ) were all based overnight and I went to sleep in this hot and humid place , The humidity factor at Bahrain was very high indeed , in the 90s , but I went to sleep quite comfortably on a groundsheet having dug a little hole for my not very considerable hips , weighing very little above 9 stone , and I settled down for the night .
11 Once the eagles had got used to the return of Minch they settled down for the summer months .
12 According to the Life of Thomas Hardy ‘ they found lodgings at the house of an invalided captain of smacks and ketches ; and Hardy , suspending his house-hunting , settled down for the autumn and winter to finish his fifth novel , The Hand of Ethelberta ’ .
13 Snuggling into his chair , he settled down for an hour or two 's tinkering .
14 Stowing her bag by her feet , Loretta settled down for an hour 's read .
15 ‘ She 's a tough customer , ’ remarked Melissa when they had finally settled down for the night .
16 In the old days before the distracting influences of radio and television , the fixed routine of the adult inhabitants after the day 's work was done was to settle down for an evening 's knitting , a craft both men and women practised assiduously , on the outside galleries in summer and by candlelight in front of a peat fire in winter .
17 The colleges were back at the end of September , holidays had ended , the metropolis was beginning to settle down for the winter .
18 ‘ Boom , Boom , ’ says the boogieman , as he coolly shoots his lady down , rams her into his car , steers off to his house , gets a bang out of watching her walking the floor , and then settles down for a bit of baby talk .
19 ‘ We will let the new legislation settle down for a year or so first , ’ he said .
20 There was the evening meal to prepare and Rachel to wash , feed and settle down for the night .
21 The second and third weekend I get to the lake just before daybreak armed with a pair of binoculars and settle down for a couple of hours in a spot which gives me a good view of all , or most , of the water .
22 Then they all settle down for a bit and design some mountains .
23 The Inspirals settle down for a night 's kip on the 800 mile drive up to the moonlit coast to Seattle for tomorrow 's gig .
24 Chimps make new nests every night , and to keep track of them , you have to be there before they rise , and keep up with them until they settle down for the night .
25 When he 's settling down for a sleep
26 ‘ What about them ? ’ asked Betty , settling down for an exchange of confidences , a revelation of Lydia 's motives in banishing Finn to the lamp room .
27 Others , their duties finished , were settling down for the night on their pallets in front of the fires .
28 Around me the camp was settling down for the night , bricks securing groundsheets , tent flaps tied tight , kerosene lamps hissing away their shadows .
29 The old house creaked in its joints like an old dog settling down for the night .
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