Example sentences of "limit [prep] [Wh det] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 erm this is a more abstract research project , which is concerned with the idea that we may , very soon perhaps , reach the limit of what we can cram onto a silicon chip .
2 Or to provide development capital where your expansion may be limited by the fact that you are nearing the limit of what you can raise by other conventional means .
3 Section 290(2) of the Public Health Act 1936 states that any notice requiring remedial works to be carried out must indicate their nature and also specify the time limit in which they must be done .
4 However , as some compensation for this , there is not usually any fixed limit on what they can receive .
5 The meat was often sold on stalls in the villages , but there was a limit to what one could buy .
6 When you are talking about 12,000 children , many only young teenagers , there is a limit to what they can do for themselves and the help of the aid community is obviously vital .
7 Mr Threlfall said : ‘ There is a physical limit to what we can do ; this was one of those unfortunate occasions . ’
8 There has to be a limit to what you can do . ’
9 ‘ There 's a limit to what you can think about God . ’
10 But , since there is really no limit to what it might be desirable to know about such matters , the sensible fieldworking anthropologist will recognize his limitations of resources , time and expertise .
11 There seemed no limit to what it could achieve .
12 ‘ There is practically no limit to what I can think of . ’
13 There 's a limit to what I can endure . ’
14 There was a limit to what she could make out , given the angle and that she was trying to see the page upside-down , but what she saw was enough to confirm that this book , or perhaps its predecessor for the previous year , had the potential to tell her exactly what she most needed to know .
15 In spite of this , advertisers , agencies and researchers persist in pushing the interpretation of recall well beyond the limits of what it can tell them .
16 These words were defining him , setting the limits in which he could move and the terms in which he could plead , argue or defend himself .
17 As for the slogan that man is master of his fate , no doubt it has its uses in combating a fatalism which could contract still further the limits within which he can influence the spontaneous by reason and will .
18 There are limits to what they can say in explaining their beliefs , the sort of limits which we tend to accept when imagining the constraints upon giving a blind person some understanding of what the world looks like ( although , as said , it would be wrong to suppose that we could communicate nothing in such circumstances ) .
19 At least out here they had to play according to some sort of standard of fairness , even if it was a standard they could change as they went along according to how it suited them ( like doubling the bus fares just after he 'd found that job way out in Brentford ) , but in prison , even more so than in a mental hospital , there were no real limits to what they could do to him .
20 So , if there are limits to what we can do , and if the development of technology brings costs as well as benefits , we now must face the second question : under what circumstances do we either develop or apply a particular technology ?
21 I think there are limits to what we can manage here on the premises because it disrupts life a bit .
22 In this short series we 're exploring some of the boundaries of science — the limits to what we can measure or experience , limits that exist in space , time , temperature and so on .
23 At the same time , research evidence about how people view this in practice conveys a sense of boundaries : that there are limits to what one can reasonably expect relatives to do , and to what a person would want to rely on relatives for .
24 This situation , coupled with the insuperable physical difficulties of governing a huge , thinly populated empire , set inescapable limits to what she could hope to achieve .
25 She shut her bedroom door , knowing fate had decreed that the book she was reading should be resting in the sitting-room , leaving her with nothing to do but make her bed , sit on it , lie on it , unmake it , jump on it , push it round the floor — there were limits to what you could do with a bed , and it was the only piece of furniture in the room .
26 Obviously there are limits to what you can achieve , but you will not know what those limits are until you embark upon a programme of good nutritious eating and appropriate exercise .
27 He also saw the need to rewrite roles around the talents of the actors , as he did for Crawford , but there were limits to what he could do to make the most of the story for the cinema .
28 There are limits to what I 'd dare and
29 At a press conference in Washington President George Bush emphasized that the USA did not have unlimited funds , and that " we will negotiate in good faith but there are certain limits to what I will accept " .
30 The second is the fact that we tend to make ourselves miserable by exploring the limits to which we can resist the temptation to go all the way .
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