Example sentences of "past [pron] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He then marches straight past me into the middle of the room where he strides around in imperious circles .
2 Again Carol acted as if I was n't there , swaying past me into the middle of the camp where she put her hands on her hips and yelled : ‘ Melissa !
3 A small form whipped past me into the alley and tried to squeeze between my back and the wall I was leaning against .
4 ‘ Is Mrs Vulcan in ? ’ they chorused , peering past me into the room .
5 And while I 'm doing that , the two bucks are pushing past me into the room and they 've got his shirt open and they 're really doing a number on him .
6 She walks past me into the living room , and I follow like her student nurse .
7 The cat rushed past me into the hallway .
8 ‘ He followed me home , and he pushed past me into the house .
9 Both players were standing outside the players ' lounge when three men ran past them into the building , for which they are believed to have produced entrance tickets , pursued by around 20 Rangers fans .
10 A woman edged past them into the alcove , murmuring apologies .
11 I pushed past her into the hall and closed the door behind us .
12 He strode past her into the hall .
13 He strode past her into the hall and flicked a glance around .
14 Wait ! ’ he laughed as he pushed past her into the kitchen and put the bags on the table .
15 Dana fended her off , stalking past her into the living-room .
16 Then , stretching out one hand , he pushed her very gently to one side and strode past her into the living-room .
17 She drew back a little against the door to let Lachy go past her into the hallway .
18 He stepped past her into the room , then turned to face her , his face set in uncompromising lines .
19 ‘ You always did stay up late , ’ she said , moving towards him , standing provocatively close , before walking past him into the hall .
20 She shot past him into the hall .
21 Although Gemmill 's goal was voted the best in the tournament , the sight of a mesmerised Alan Rough watching in disbelief as a Peruvian free kick flew past him into the net will remain one of Argentina 's most bleak moments .
22 The keeper comes out and Page curls the ball past him into the net .
23 I pushed past him into the kitchen .
24 He watched his dejected figure walk past him into the cottage and , after allowing a few minutes to elapse , followed him in and discovered him sitting at the table in the living room , his bag of apples and sandwich lying untouched .
25 She says , ‘ Hello , Wyn ’ , as though they were friends , and steps past him into the yard .
26 With as much dignity as she could muster , she stalked past him into the bathroom .
27 ‘ So since he asked for you again , ’ Charlie went on as she climbed past him into the back of the cab , ‘ make sure that whatever you did for him , you just keep on doing it . ’
28 I glance past him into the dip .
29 Cathy was looking past him into the studio .
30 Summoning her courage , she pushed past him into the gangway between the stalls , then leapt aside as a porter nearly ran her over with a loaded trolley .
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