Example sentences of "stare down at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Moving back to the bridge , she halted for a moment to stare down at the sluggish water , and the wavering reflection thrown back at her made her feel like weeping forever .
2 ‘ Yes , I most certainly do ! ’ he told her before turning back to stare down at the flushed features of his wife .
3 Ellie said nothing , deciding to stare down at the polished wood floor instead .
4 They had sat opposite each other in a compartment crowded with Able Seamen , he watching the darkening fields flying outside the window and Bunny staring down at a single sheet of notepaper , pale blue in colour , which he held on his jigging knee and from whose fold poked a sprig of crab apple in bloom .
5 He sat with his arms folded , staring down at the fancy tablecloth and when he did speak again he was so quiet that they could hardly hear him , so they had to listen seriously — even Sean and Michael , who were never , or rarely serious .
6 Staring down at the dark head bent over his work , Laura had found herself swept by diametrically opposed emotions .
7 " You 're so lucky , you 're so lucky , " I murmured , staring down at the rocky Rockies or the Smokies or the Ropies through cloud-cover made of snow and contour tracing …
8 He picked up the wine cup and sipped from it and then sat on the bed next to Sir John , staring down at the great wooden bed posters .
9 She was staring down at the undulating ground .
10 Cameron floundered , staring down at the checked tablecloth , drinking from his glass , checking hers .
11 ‘ Yes , I do realise that , ’ she muttered , staring down at the brown liquid in the cup .
12 The coroner sat with lips pursed , staring down at the empty platters and dishes as if wishing the food he had devoured would magically reappear .
13 More tequila arrived and Rodriguez sat there staring down at the yellow-green liquid in his glass .
14 She stood staring down at the fresh earth of the new grave , at the wooden cross bearing her mother 's name and she could not believe that this nightmare was real .
15 He sat , slumped back , chin on chest , staring down at the intricate patterns of the carpet , in a seemingly unbreakable silence .
16 And Clara , overcome by the wonderful , felicitous acceptability of his offer , an offer so familiar to her , so marvellously manageable , trembled only most slightly as she said , staring down at the limp arrangements of her hands , " Oui , surement . "
17 She stared down at the disgusting mass as it came away in her hand for a moment and then she marched after him with pursed lips and a determined gleam in her eyes .
18 When Coleby had gone , Peter leaned against the wall and stared down at the worn linoleum .
19 Connon stared down at the young man in the picture as if he was looking at a stranger and trying to analyse what made him seem vaguely familiar .
20 She stared down at the living dead face .
21 Crouched in the shadows at the curve of the banister , Frankie stared down at the dark jungle of coats and jackets hanging from a row of wall-hooks in the lower corridor .
22 Athelstan stared down at the long , white face under its tarry black hood .
23 She stared down at the scattered glass shimmering in the blackened water , remembered stories of people drowning in only inches of water and acknowledged her condition with a sinking heart .
24 She collapsed on to the window-seat and stared down at the spectacular landscape spread out below .
25 Someone kicked his washing-bag over and stared down at the spilled shirt sleeve , the maroon-edged handkerchief .
26 He stared down at the slow-moving water , seeing a vague , bearded reflection .
27 Chen pulled up sharply , almost thudding into Karr who stood there , his hands clenched at his sides , his great chest rising and falling heavily as he stared down at the three prone gangsters .
28 Bodie stared down at the spread-eagled figure , then reached out to close the staring eyes .
29 ‘ Strange , ’ Maltote interrupted , his face drawn and white as he stared down at the gory , blood-spattered wound .
30 He stared down at the whimpering person beyond the front of the cage , at the people around , at the Man staring at him for a moment , and then at Woil who had taken stance on a litter bin .
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