Example sentences of "stare up at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only stare up at the gaping hole in his cage and feel the terror of the sky beyond and look at where the broken end of the great branch that had fallen spiked out into the wild sky above as if broken part lay about him , its smaller branches and torn bark fretting on the cold wind .
2 ‘ What on earth are we doing here ? ’ she muttered , staring up at the familiar sight of an old converted warehouse overlooking the Thames .
3 Julia lay against the hard , red velvet back of the bench , staring up at the painted walls around her .
4 The girl was staring up at the two of us , wondering what was going on .
5 Sir Richard stood still , staring up at the blue sky , turning his face to feel the sun .
6 She turned around , groping for the door-handle , and saw he was staring up at the small terraced house with interest .
7 Fenella stayed where she was for a moment , still staring up at the imprisoned Nuadu .
8 When finally they rolled apart and lay , hands entwined , staring up at the cloudless blue sky , Cora-Beth 's voice was soft with contentment as she whispered , ‘ You do love me , I know it now !
9 Algy said , sitting on a low tapestry footstool by her mother 's chair and putting her forefinger on Lady Grubb 's big garnet ring as if she were pressing a doorbell , staring up at the implacable old head and thinking of nothing but of how to get her to look at one of the two people in the room .
10 Merrill asked , staring up at the mellowed golden stone of the Elizabethan house , floodlit among its setting of ancient trees .
11 It was very hot and she lay under the single sheet staring up at the high moonlit ceiling and thinking about T. Buckland Kettering .
12 He stopped , staring up at the old man , his face filled with an intent curiosity .
13 Kim stood there a moment longer , staring up at the old man .
14 We all stared up at the great tower which soared six storeys above us .
15 Lucie lay back on his bed and stared up at the cobwebbed planks under the thatch .
16 Cranston , his mouth full of food , stared up at the blackened ceiling , coveting the leg of ham hooked there to be cured in the smoke .
17 He measured out thirty paces and stared up at the crenellated boundary wall which was about twenty feet high .
18 He then stared up at the blue sky .
19 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she began to apologise as she turned the lock and pulled back the door , ‘ I should have — ’ Then she stopped , speechless , as she stared up at the tall figure of Robert Sheldrake .
20 He stared up at the grey shapes bobbing out in the lagoon .
21 I stared up at the grey sky and the black ravens which circled above the battlements like the souls of men condemned to wander the earth forever .
22 She stared up at the granite-harsh features , trembling as much from the insidious effect of his hands on her back , pressing her against the male strength of his body , as from her growing anger at his arrogant , hurtful lack of confidence in her …
23 The deep , concerned voice broke through the dark haze of unconsciousness , and she blinked and stared up at the shadowy image of Guy Sterne 's face , bending over her .
24 Artemis curtsied again , and then stared up at the beautiful and elegant woman .
25 Still feeling perturbed , he went back into his house , lay on his pallet bed and stared up at the flaking ceiling .
26 As I stared up at the clear sky from the bottom of the trench , my mind drifted back to Achnacarry and Fiona .
27 The clerk stared up at the clear blue sky .
28 He stared up at the gruff old man who was so kind to him .
29 Isabel stared up at the royal castle high on its hill overlooking the town and wondered what the grim stone fortress would mean to her .
30 Athelstan went into the nave and sat at the base of a pillar , legs crossed , whilst he stared up at the high altar behind the rood screen .
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