Example sentences of "stare at [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I looked back at the figure , which had not moved , which continued to stare at me from the shade through the sunlight over the gulley .
2 Mr. Mendez seemed to stare at him for a While , thinking or just looking .
3 Wilcox continued to stare at her through a cloud of smoke .
4 George turned to Catherine , kissed her hands and seemed content to stare at her for the rest of the night if not for the rest of his life : Mary bowed her head a little and Hope looked away , sipped at his claret , could do no more .
5 People turned to stare at her in the street .
6 Silas stood still to stare at her in the dim light .
7 Sudden silence struck the voices downstairs and , as Theda reached the railings and leaned over them , she saw his handsome features turned up to stare at her from the bottom of the stairs .
8 She stares at me for a moment in her shocked haze of light .
9 Perry stares at her for a moment , and then examines her arm .
10 His voice was so dead , so cold , so indifferent to her that she could only stare at him with a block like concrete lodged somewhere near her heart .
11 Sometimes she would stand in front of Sarah and stare at her in the most curious way , saying nothing .
12 and others can , you know sit and stare at it for an hour still would n't know who it was .
13 It seemed to Joe that his mother was waiting behind the hall door for him , because no sooner had he entered the house than there she was , staring at him over the distance .
14 Nadine was staring at him with a fascination entirely disproportionate to his remark , a fascination , indeed , bordering on transfixion .
15 Patrizia Valesio was staring at him with the expression of one who is not to be put off by interruptions .
16 Her enormous grey eyes ( they would have been rather striking if only she had used some make-up ) were staring at him with the expression of a trapped rabbit .
17 He stared down at the whimpering person beyond the front of the cage , at the people around , at the Man staring at him for a moment , and then at Woil who had taken stance on a litter bin .
18 Her glance rested on him only for a matter of seconds , yet his face could not have registered more in her mind had she been staring at him for an hour .
19 He tells himself Potter is not staring at him in a racist way .
20 ‘ We have to think ahead now , ’ Cameron began , but Donald was staring at him like an enemy .
21 He caught a glimpse of two red faces staring at him from the depths of the kitchen behind the head of this strange boy turned girl who was forever crossing his path .
22 He had seen a row of black faces staring at him from the platform of one of the Red Sand Towers in the Nore approaches .
23 The great rat was staring at him from the hole in the corner of the picture .
24 After staring at her for a few seconds in silence , he finally nodded and went out , leaving her to dress .
25 Ben stood staring at her across the garden , a puzzled , worried expression on his face .
26 He had sat opposite her , watching her while she ate , making an extravagant moue of distaste when she suggested that he share it , but staring at her with a concentrated , almost angry , satisfaction ; rather , she thought , as a mother might watch a convalescent child taking her first mouthful .
27 Several times she 'd caught him staring at her with a warm , smiling expression in his brown eyes , and if she had n't been so sensible it would have made her feel quite wobbly .
28 ‘ London , ’ he told her , staring at her with an air of triumph .
29 As Molly put down the telephone , she saw Jacqueline , her mouth full of dough , staring at her with the large , accusing eyes of an Oxfam poster .
30 The old man was staring at her in a most disconcerting way .
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