Example sentences of "stare at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I look away , for all the reasons that people like me , with homes and an income , look away : a mixture of helplessness , guilt and the desire not to stare at a perfect stranger , as it were , in bed .
2 For many viewers to be invited to stare at a naked child is too complex and disturbing .
3 He wanted to stare at a free sky .
4 She paused to stare at a wooden gate swinging crazily on its hinges .
5 To concentrate on the barons is to stare at the public face .
6 ‘ Yep , but she 's your girl , ’ said Charlie as he continued to stare at the long-haired blonde who pretended to ignore their attentions .
7 ‘ It goes on to explain how the geneticists and the neurochemists — neurotransmitters and all that — are in on the act = ’ His red eyes searched mine once more , then turned away to stare at the solitary lamp .
8 She had just read the last paragraph when the kitchen door opened and Matey entered , far earlier than she normally did , to stare at the unlikely scene before her : Dr Neil characteristically leaning back in his wooden Windsor armchair , McAllister sitting on her stool , reading the paper , the used coffee-cups and the empty biscuit plate sitting between them .
9 He shook his head and continued to stare at the old man , but there was pleading in his voice now .
10 To stare at an empty vastness would be dispiriting ; perhaps also it would bring about too great a sense of isolation .
11 He stares at the hydraulic dentist 's chair , angled up to an empty sky and an open sea .
12 There are many lessons we can learn from other animals , to our great and continuing advantage , and it is high time we took a little while to sit and stare at the other creatures with which we share the earth .
13 Perhaps now , now she had finally written it down , could stare at the irretrievable words , written in black and white , she would be able to accept the way things had to be , she would have the strength to return .
14 ‘ Ca n't you give up this living ? ’ she asks , and I stare at the invisible ceiling .
15 You go stupid on yourself for a moment , as the luck wobbles , threatens to fly away and leave you ; you stare at the place where he was , lying curled up , tied up in front of the door ; you stare at the empty stretch of carpet , dumbly , as if staring will help .
16 I pick up my coffee and stare at the cold dregs .
17 I lie in my bed and stare at the cracked plaster in the ceiling , the smudges of handprints ( how in the hell did they get there ? ) , and I wonder why I am so afraid .
18 Maggie was left staring at a closed door , lost for words .
19 But afterwards , I found myself in the dim bathroom of my hut staring at a haunted face .
20 When I opened my eyes reluctantly , I was staring at a small piece of pavement miles below , between two sloping hills .
21 As Sam Somerville took off from Heathrow , Dr Barnard was sitting in his laboratory in Fulham staring at a small collection of pieces of debris spread on a crisp white sheet of paper across a table-top .
22 In a brown-panelled room smelling of tobacco they sat on opposite sides of a cold hearth full of cinders , swallowing hot wine and water under the blue eyes of Sergeant Collier , who was looking at them with intent curiosity like a man staring at a two-headed dog in a freak show .
23 And then he started to walk away , leaving me staring at a bare wall .
24 Francis lifted his head above the edge of the display and found himself staring at a confusing picture of pipes and girders .
25 My year between school and university was about as creative as the period Terry Waite spent in captivity staring at a concrete wall with only his postcard of John Bunyan for reading matter , but I did spend the first few weeks of it in the typing class of a comprehensive school in Hackney .
26 One morning , Santa found him lying down on the snow , staring at a dead flower with tears dropping off his little cheeks .
27 I was staring at a wall-sized mirror when he walked into the bar .
28 Fifteen minutes later , or it may have been twenty , I stood staring at a caged lift : the chest-flexing iron lattice , the accordion doors .
29 ‘ It 's Fergie , ’ someone said , and within seconds Charles and Diana were left staring at an empty patch of snow where a moment before dozens of photographers had been elbowing one another for the best position .
30 I 'd been in the city for too long , too many late nights staring at an empty page : the Muse and I had become jaded with each other .
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