Example sentences of "stare [adv] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She swung round to stare wordlessly at the driver of the utility truck , who now leaned nonchalantly in the doorway .
2 The Maggot said with inappropriate exultation , then twisted his head to stare back at the island .
3 He became lost in one of his dour moods so I let him be and went to the window to stare out at a dairy maid carrying pitchers of milk between the barns and the kitchen .
4 It was as though a voice had actually said the words aloud , and she moved sharply and leaned against the window to stare blankly at the room .
5 You worked for him , ’ she prompted when Mrs McMahon only continued to stare worriedly at the package .
6 Watching him stare gloomily at the table , Lucy said impulsively , ‘ Perhaps I could help .
7 I stare glumly at the coinbox .
8 If the prey looks up and stares straight at the lion or tiger , the big cat looks sheepishly away as if suddenly indifferent to the whole business of predation .
9 I used to walk between the two parts of the building — that is between my studio/study and the main house — and stare up at the pulley that hangs over the hall , an imitation of the one that hung there in the days when a real miller hoisted his sacks of grain .
10 Through sea-sized eyes that are crusted with rheum and asteroid dust He stares fixedly at the Destination .
11 ‘ Pity it stares out at a row of other houses . ’
12 Her eyes are hot , she stares out at the water , at the summerhouse .
13 Hale 's eyes stare knowingly at the viewer , a human sacrifice to an alienated and consumerist culture .
14 Nobody listens but instead they stare out at the countryside , the classic English landscape .
15 When listening to someone talking , a Dowayo stares gravely at the floor , rocks backwards and forwards and murmurs ‘ Yes ’ , ‘ It is so ’ , ‘ Good ’ every five seconds or so .
16 I stare again at the saddlebag , feeling sick .
17 " Just look at them limbs ! " breathed Con , staring rapturously at the dog 's muscular thighs .
18 A long , thin brunette sat on another bean-bag very close to her , staring down at a focus somewhere near the edge of the blonde 's left thigh .
19 With a slight nod , Dora directed her glance towards the opposite side of the pool , where Dieter Erdle stood staring down at the water as if engrossed in his own reflection .
20 The hydraulics gave out their whine as he joined other crew members staring down at the scene below and half a mile back .
21 Staring down at the girl , Pascoe saw in her the Martha he had known as a lad — the Martha he had loved and lost ; and while he stared , she opened her eyes and looked back up at him from the stinking bed of straw , and for a moment he felt a little stirring of fear .
22 There are few more pathetic sights than aggrieved bowlers staring down at the popping-crease after being no-balled , craning neck insinuating that the umpire was in error .
23 For a while they just stood there , staring down at the boar , satisfying their curiosity after the brief and distant glimpses that they 'd had on the hunt .
24 He stands there , shaking , then hugs himself , chin on his chest , staring down at the man , his head and whole body trembling .
25 Stephen stopped , staring down at the sand .
26 After Rose and the boy had gone to bed he sat on his own by the raked fire , sitting motionless , staring down at the floor .
27 She just sat there , mostly in silence , staring down at the floor , with her hands clasped tightly between her knees .
28 The Lady Prioress sat with arms crossed , staring down at the floor .
29 ‘ I 'm a garden designer , ’ she announced quietly , staring down at the hob , ‘ that 's what Luke meant . ’
30 I ordered Joe up into the tree-house and he sat , staring down at the lens .
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