Example sentences of "stare [adv] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When he craned to stare down at the crowds in the great square below the palace , his head moved so that it rested upon the parapet like a decoration .
2 Float on my back a bit and stare up at the stars . ’
3 She sat down on one of the red spoon-shaped chairs in the station foyer and placed her feet neatly together on the black and white tiles , staring down at the shoes Nurse Rose had so gushingly admired .
4 ‘ Humph … ’ the policeman grunted , staring down at the notes before him .
5 You lose their attention if you keep staring down at the papers in your hand .
6 Leaving her abruptly , he moved to the desk and stood staring down at the papers lying on it , his attitude so tense that Lucy felt compelled to go to his side .
7 The families gathered round in a circle , staring down at the remains of their menfolk .
8 No answer suggested itself , however , and after a minute or two he became aware that as these thoughts whirled through his mind he had been staring down at the grilles confining the Chinese coolie families .
9 He wished he was free of Cranston and this matter ; free of Cheapside , back at the top of his tower , staring up at the stars .
10 Fergus took no notice ; he kept on crying , still staring up at the holes in the ceiling .
11 I love you ! she yelled silently , staring up at the skies .
12 She stood for several seconds , fingering her camera , staring up at the trees , glancing down the path and listening for the sound of trampling in the undergrowth that would herald Fernand 's return to his task .
13 She picked up one of the crumpled scraps of paper and began staring fixedly at the pictures on it .
14 He sat motionless , staring out at the Britches , for five minutes .
15 She laughed and did not reply , staring out at the trees .
16 He passed some coins over without counting , staring stupidly at the eyes that looked hurt with expected rejection , as if the man knew what would be said to put him off .
17 He had turned to fly around the eastern edge of the island 's encircling reefs and was now staring intently at the houses , searching for any signs of danger , but it seemed as though Murder Cay was deserted .
18 Depressed , she leaned back in her seat , resting her head against the headrest while staring unseeingly at the hills and at the Esk River winding its way through the valley .
19 And all along the Cages the other eagles scuttered and muttered , some staring silently at the Men taking the oldest and most venerable among them away , others pretending not to look .
20 ‘ Sure , and why would I fall for you ? ’ she asked lightly , staring hard at the stars .
21 James stared about him with uninhibited curiosity , staring closely at the paintings and prints which covered the walls , poking his nose into tea caddies and picking up any object which took his fancy .
22 There may be a dozen of the older fellers — early thirties , dressed younger , staring hungrily at the girls .
23 She stared down at the papers in her hand , not wanting to look at him .
24 For a moment she stared down at the stains and the roses , and then she walked away .
25 ‘ Have I ? ’ and he stared down at the letters .
26 Opening her briefcase , she stared down at the contents .
27 Lizzy stared down at the bandages on her wrists .
28 Opening the lid , she stared down at the emeralds glinting up at her like cat 's eyes , her mother 's emeralds and her grandmother 's and many generations of Grenfell women before her .
29 Paul stared dreamily at the stables , the horses , and the grooms and coachmen busily rubbing them down ; and compared reason with romance , phenomenology — a word he had not previously heard used — with the behaviourism of the mind as he knew it .
30 He stared squarely at the Agentes .
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