Example sentences of "stare [adv] of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He cleared his throat and continued to stare out of the window for a couple of moments longer .
2 As they accelerated away Joseph turned to stare out of the window and saw the peasant jump up and break into a little celebratory caper in the middle of the road .
3 Because he knew he could n't speak of what was in his mind , he pretended he had n't heard her and continued to stare out of the window .
4 I had to stare out of the window .
5 The Pole turned to stare out of the window , his expression once again as bleak as the sky outside .
6 He looked away , pretending to stare out of the window as he began to summarise his conclusions .
7 Corbett rubbed the strap between his fingers and went to stare out of the window , half-listening to the sounds of the night outside .
8 Merrill turned to stare out of the window .
9 She turned her head quickly to stare out of the window .
10 Sighing , she turned to stare out of the window .
11 ‘ It occurs to me … ’ he drawled , hesitating for a moment as he studied her intently from beneath his heavy eyelids , before turning his head to stare out of the window at the passing traffic .
12 Charlie 's only reaction was to stare out of the window because he was n't quite sure what else to do .
13 Charlie was about to correct him when Trentham turned away to stare out of the window , obviously not anticipating a reply .
14 She fiddled with the strap of her small black leather shoulder-bag , and turned to stare out of the glass doors at the hot afternoon scene beyond .
15 Weirdest of all is the studio , in which a Madame Tussaud 's waxwork stares out of the half-light at you from behind the control-room glass .
16 Sitting in the airless games room in the basement of the St James ' Club , he stares out of the window , dreamily tracing the pattern in the glass , then stops , vaguely embarrassed at what he 's doing , and turns round to face yet another tape recorder .
17 The lecturer who stares out of the window , for example , is unlikely to convey to students much personal interest in their learning .
18 By continually signalling attentiveness and responsiveness to the signals of the other — it is infuriating to talk to someone who stares out of the window all the time .
19 Pleasantly surprised , and encouraged , he stares out of the window , his huge cheeks full of food , rotating like machinery .
20 he just stares out of the window , yeah ,
21 During the days , while the man slept , Boy would sleep a little himself , in a chair , in preparation for his nights at The Bar ; but mostly he would stare out of the window at the city , or stare at the television .
22 Retired some years back to grow vegetables on an allotment , and sit and stare out of the window . ’
23 He did not , as usual , read or stare out of the window or make tea or do any of the things Robert assumed one usually caught teachers doing in off-duty moments .
24 These are the dedicated few who , week in , week out , come rain or snow , stare out of the clubhouse window at 22 diehards freezing their pads off for fun .
25 The elegance of the woman 's appearance , her hoop ear-rings , is carefully realized , but the couple stare out of the canvas blankly , nothing has registered on their faces , neither pain nor passion , and Modigliani remains detached , if faintly amused , by their front of respectability .
26 Mechanically he had taken each drink offered without thinking , for the simple reason that he had spent the entire journey staring out of the cabin window into the infinity of space .
27 I am reduced to sitting staring out of the window with nothing much to look at but a young man , presumably a salesman or political canvasser , patiently going from door to door down the street .
28 She stopped , staring out of the window , her hands clenched together .
29 She was staring out of the window .
30 She frequently sat up in the wee sma' hours staring out of the window .
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